E-commerce Tips & Tricks

6 min read

21 Oct 2024

Crafting High-Converting Ecommerce Newsletters: 10 Must-Have Features

Crafting High-Converting Ecommerce Newsletters: 10 Must-Have Features

Imagine this: You open your inbox, and there's an email from your favorite store. You don't even have to think about it — you click.

That's the power of a great eCommerce newsletter. It feels personal. It feels like it was made just for you. Now, wouldn't you want your customers to feel that way when they open your emails?

Let's face it: inboxes are flooded with promotions every day. If you want your eCommerce newsletters to stand out, it needs more than just a good offer. It needs to grab attention, build connections, and ultimately drive sales.

So, what makes a great eCommerce newsletter? You probably know the basics: good design, catchy subject lines, and clear calls-to-action. But let's dig deeper.

Let's talk about the elements many miss out on—the ones that separate the okay newsletters from the high-converting ones.

1. A Captivating Subject Line That Creates Curiosity

1. A Captivating Subject Line That Creates Curiosity

The subject line is the bait that gets your customer to open the email. You don't want to give everything away here, but you want to pique curiosity.

For example, instead of "New Products Now Available," try something like "Guess What Just Landed in Our Store?"

Using numbers, questions, or even emojis (sparingly) can help boost your open rates. Did you know that 47% of email recipients open emails based solely on the subject line? That's how important it is to get this right.

Email Subject Lines Statistics and Trends

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Pro tip: Use personalization. Emails with personalized subject lines are more likely to be opened.

If you're still learning how to write a weekly newsletter for eCommerce, this is an important tip to keep in mind.

2. A Story That Resonates with Your Audience

People love stories, and they'll love your newsletter more if you can tell them one. Think about your brand's story, or better yet, a customer's story. What challenges have they faced, and how has your product helped them?

Instead of launching into a product pitch, start with a relatable story. Imagine you're talking to a friend: "Hey, we noticed a lot of you struggle with finding the right skincare routine. That's why we've developed this new product that…"

Relating on a personal level not only makes the email feel less sales-y but also builds a connection with your audience.

3. A Clear and Direct Call-to-Action

3. A Clear and Direct Call-to-Action

Have you ever been to a store that makes it hard to find the checkout counter? Frustrating, right?

The same goes for newsletters. Once someone opens your email, they should immediately know what action to take. Don't bury your call-to-action in a sea of text.

Your CTA should stand out, both visually and textually. Use action words like "Shop Now," "Learn More," or "Get Your Discount." Keep it simple, but make it compelling.

Pro tip: Place your CTA above the fold so it's visible without scrolling. But don't be shy about repeating it later in the email for reinforcement.

4. Mobile-Friendly Design

Did you know that 55% of all emails are opened on mobile devices? So, if your eCommerce newsletters aren't optimized for mobile, you're losing out on a massive chunk of your audience.

A simple, clean design that adapts well to smaller screens is crucial. Avoid long paragraphs, make buttons large enough to tap easily, and keep images minimal and quick to load. No one likes waiting for images to load, especially on their phone.

5. Segmentation and Personalization

Sending everyone on your list the same email is like shouting into a crowd and hoping the right people hear. Instead, segment your audience based on their behavior, location, or preferences.

If someone has recently bought a product, send them an email offering complementary items. If another hasn't purchased in a while, entice them with a special offer.

6. Valuable Content Beyond the Sale

Ecommerce newsletters don't always have to be about selling something. In fact, providing value in other ways can keep customers engaged. Think tutorials, how-to guides, or even behind-the-scenes looks at your business.

This shows that you're not just about pushing products but also about helping your customers.

For example, if you sell home decor, offer tips on how to style a room. If you're in fashion, share advice on how to accessorize. It builds trust and keeps people coming back.

Want to see this tip in action? Take a look at this email from Hux.

Instead of just focusing on their product, Hux first discussed the gut-brain connection. They highlighted how a healthier gut can help improve a person's mood, brain function, and more.

And if the reader is interested in improving their gut health, they have a product just for that!

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7. User-Generated Content

People trust other people, not brands. So, use your customers' content to sell your product for you. If you have customers who've shared reviews, photos, or videos of your products, showcase that in your newsletters.

It's one thing to say your product is amazing, but it's a whole different ballgame when customers say it for you.

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8. An Exclusive Offer That Feels Special

Who doesn't love a good deal? But here's the thing: the deal has to feel exclusive. A generic "10% off" might occasionally work, but it won't always excite people. Instead, frame the offer as something special just for them.

For instance, "Because you're one of our VIPs, we're giving you early access to our new collection with 20% off!" Exclusive offers give customers that little push they need to act quickly.

Here's an example from Nike. It offers the reader an exclusive discount as a birthday treat.

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9. Compelling Visuals That Aren't Overwhelming

People are visual creatures. However, when it comes to eCommerce newsletters, less is often more. Too many images can slow down load times, especially on mobile. Plus, if someone's email client blocks images, they'll miss out on the entire message.

Use a few high-quality images that support your message, but don't rely solely on them. Balance them with concise, engaging text.

Pro tip: Always include alt text for your images. This way, your message still gets across if the images don't load.

10. A/B Testing for Continuous Improvement

Here's where the magic happens. Not every eCommerce newsletter will be a home run, and that's okay. But what's important is learning from your results. Use A/B testing to see what works and what doesn't.

Test everything—from subject lines to CTA placement to design elements. Maybe one subject line gets more opens, or one CTA gets more clicks. Use these insights to refine your strategy and improve over time.

Bonus Tip: Use a Newsletter Pop-Up to Grow Your Email List

Bonus Tip: Use a Newsletter Pop-Up to Grow Your Email List

Before you can send out a high-converting eCommerce newsletter, you need an audience. That's where a newsletter pop-up comes in.

You've probably seen them before—a little box that pops up while browsing a store's website, asking for your email in exchange for something valuable. It might be a discount, free shipping, or early access to a new collection.

But here's the thing—don't make it annoying. Timing is key. Trigger the pop-up when a visitor has spent some time on your site or when they're about to leave (this is called an exit-intent pop-up).

Plus, keep the pop-up simple and to the point so it doesn't interrupt the shopping experience.

If you're already using Debutify Theme, you're in for a treat! One of its 70+ widgets is the Newsletter Pop-up widget. So, the moment you install the Debutify Theme in your store, you can start collecting valuable emails right away.

Elevate Your eCommerce Newsletters to Drive More Sales

At the end of the day, a successful eCommerce newsletter isn't about throwing together some products and hoping for the best. It's about making your customers feel like you're speaking directly to them.

With the right mix of engaging content, clear CTAs, and a personal touch, your emails can do more than inform—they can build trust and spark action.

As you refine your email strategy, think about the eCommerce newsletters' best practices we've discussed. Good luck!

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Rhea Diamante

Rhea Diamante is a copywriter at Debutify, where she crafts compelling and engaging content. With a knack for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she ensures every piece she writes resonates with the audience and drives results.

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