Business Tips

6 min read

17 Jan 2023

Understanding Product Experience And How It Benefits Your eCommerce Brand

Understanding Product Experience And How It Benefits Your eCommerce Brand

Have you ever used a product and felt disappointed? Something's off... Is it the packaging? The functionality? Or the overall product itself?

Whatever the reason is, the point is... You aren't satisfied with the products. And you don't feel good about your purchase.

So, think of your customers and ask yourself. Do you want them to feel the same?

That's a big no. Your customers should always feel satisfied with their purchase. They deserve to receive the best products.

But a perfect product experience is achievable when you continuously improve your products. So, we'll learn that today!

  • What is product experience?
  • Importance of product experience
  • Achieve your product improvement goals in 3 ways

Let's get started, shall we?


What is product experience or PX?

What is product experience or PX?

Product experience (PX) is the way a person feels when interacting with a product. This can include everything from the packaging and unboxing process to the use of the product itself.

So, what are the factors that contribute to a good product experience? Well, there are different factors and usability is one of them. That's one of the most important factors in product experience.

Usability refers to how easy it is for users to use your products. Usability includes how easy it is to use the products and how well they get the job done.

Another factor is design. It includes everything from the appearance of the products and their ergonomics. Aesthetic and functionality can work hand in hand.

Since you now get the gist of product experience, let's talk about the...


Benefits of an excellent product experience for your eCommerce business

If your customers have an excellent product experience because of your business, you can...


1. Increase customer loyalty

Creating a positive product experience is important for your eCommerce brand. Why? Because it leads to customer loyalty. Also, it increases the customer lifetime value.

Customers who have a good experience with a product are more likely to purchase you again and recommend the product to others. See? A great customer retention strategy!

Speaking of which... If more customers talk highly of your product, you can...


2. Get a high customer satisfaction rate

Buyers will leave positive customer feedback if they have a good experience with your product. They will talk highly about your products.

On the other hand, a negative PX can drive customers away and negatively affect your brand image. That's a headache for your customer success team. And of course, another benefit is...


3. Boost your sales

More people will return to your eCommerce store if your products are good. More people will leave positive reviews and recommend you, too.

So... You can boost your sales! Marketing is important for brands. But having great, efficient products your customers will love is also crucial.

Now, you're probably wondering how to gain these benefits. That's why here are some ways on...


How to improve the product experience of your customers?

How to improve the product experience of your customers?

There are many ways to improve the product experience. Here are 3 of them:


1. Use data

There are different data you can use, like user behavior. You can also use them to find out where the customer stops in the customer journey.

For example, after purchasing from you... You noticed that the retention rate is not good. You need to check what makes them stop returning.

You can also analyze customer data and see who are the customers that come back. Or if you have more new users buying from you than returning.

See what makes them different from those who don't. And check their similarities, such as location, gender, and the products they usually buy from you.

You can also check your eCommerce and product analytics. See which products have more orders and the ones that don't. Market research can also help.

Data will help you determine what to do to improve your products or which products to improve.


2. Collaborate with other teams

Having a centralized system helps your brand thrive. So, you need to have everyone onboard in achieving your product improvement goals.

If you want to improve customer experience... You need to ensure your buyers will have smooth transactions wherever the customer lifecycle stage they're at.

That usually involves the marketing and customer-facing teams. They can help customers discover your brand, address their concerns, and retain them.

Now, for the actual products... You should collaborate with your product team. They are the ones who can plan the improvement of your products.

Product teams and product managers work hand in hand to achieve the best results. They will also decide if there's a need to include new features.

But if you don't have an in-house team, you can coordinate with your manufacturers to see room for improvement.

Collaboration is one of the keys to improving your products. Make sure everyone has the same goals!


3. Collect customer feedback

Product teams and data can help you determine what to improve. But customers will tell you what they need... based on their actual experience.

But how can you collect customer feedback? You can do it by having a review widget on your website. This way, it's easier for your customers to leave reviews.

Debutify Reviews can help you collect and manage customer reviews without any hassle. It's also easy to set up! This app will help you generate reviews and use them to improve the product experience. You can download Debutify Reviews from the Shopify App Store.

But wait, there's more...


Bonus tip: Unboxing experience is a must!

Product packaging and unboxing processes can also play a role in the product experience. But remember, the packaging should be designed to protect the product during shipping.

And the unboxing experience should be enjoyable. You should present the products nicely to make them feel excited and special.


Enhance product experience and make your brand stand out!

Product experience can make or break your eCommerce brand. If customers didn't like how your product feels and works... That will affect your brand image.

We don't want that! So, you should always strive to boost product experience to be successful in the eCommerce industry.

That's why you should know how to...


Use customer feedback to enhance customer experience!

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Trisha Ballesteros

Trisha Ballesteros is a content writer and digital creator who's skilled and passionate about marketing, social media, tech, and user experience.

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