Episode 152


Emily Foreman, Carthook - Maximizing Your Post Purchase Potential

Emily Foreman, Carthook - Maximizing Your Post Purchase Potential

While the last two episodes were all about mindset, manifestation and forming good habits, we're back in the trenches with Emily Foreman of CartHook. Her company transitioned from in-person to remote, an interesting story in it's own right. But we emphasize the unique value proposition of Carthook which is to ensure your post-purchase part of the funnel is utilized effectively or rather, at all. 


Every part of the funnel is important, that part you know, but what I think you'll get out of this episode is as clear an understanding of the importance and opportunity in post purchase that can be in an hour's time.

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Joseph Ianni

Debutify is the easiest way to launch and scale your eCommerce brand.

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