Episode 192


How This App Help Brands Build Personalized Experiences

How This App Help Brands Build Personalized Experiences

In this episode, we talked to Eric Melchor, the Personalization Ambassador for OptiMonk, a leading personalization platform on Shopify. Find out more on how this app can help your brand turn traffic into sales!


His backstory

Eric Melchor: It was like Huckleberry Finn meets inner city kid because my parents were divorced. And on one weekend I would be with my mom. We lived inside the city in this townhouse and there was all these neighborhood kids that, you know, we were friends with. And we would go to the seven 11 and play like street fighter video games or go to the public park and play basketball.

And then the following weekend, I would go to my dad's house and it wasn't necessarily out in the country. But there was a few farms that were kinda like behind the house, like you go down this walking trail and there was these different farms and things, and our friends there. We're very country like their parents took 'em hunting.

We would go to their house and there'd be like a duck in the front yard and we'd walk in and there'd be all these different hunting rifles inside. And there'd be like these race cars that were in the driveway that they were working on, like NASCAR type race cars. And you know, we would shoot BB guns and pellet guns and we used to catch crawfish in the bayou, hang to crawfish on a clothes line, and then practice shooting the crawfish with our BB gun. I had these two different worlds as a kid growing up and looking back, you know, it was a lot of fun of that experience. 

Connor: So that's New Jersey. How did you end up in Romania? 

Eric Melchor: Yeah. Well that was actually Houston. I ended up in Romania after I spent seven years in New York City. The goal was to go to New York City for about four or five years, do a master's degree program, break into the advertising industry, and then come back to Houston, New York City. When you're in your twenties and you're single, it is a lot of. Time flies. 

Before I knew it, I had been there like six years already and I wanted to do something different, but I didn't necessarily wanna come back to Houston. And so there was an opportunity where I could go work for a big media agency the largest in Romania, in boot grass for a year. And so I thought, why not? I had spent a lot of time traveling when I was younger because I had used to work for an airline and so I was used to like visiting different places.

And getting to know, you know, just getting that feeling of being somewhere different. And I enjoyed it. And after living in New York City, I thought, Hey, if you can live there, if I could live there, I can live anywhere. That was my mentality. At least that's how they sell New York City. Right. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

Yeah. That's what they say. So I went to Bucharest for a year and it was a fantastic experience. This was back in 2010, and I met my wife and convinced her to move to Houston. And so I came back to Houston and we were long distance for a while and I ended up convincing her to make that leap and she did. And fast forward, we've got, you know, two kids and we're now back in Bucharest. It's been here about two years. 

Connor: How did you find that at the beginning? Cause I'm looking at doing the same thing and I'm scared of towing the line between like going and visiting and being like, oh, I did that for a year. And that was fun. Or going and visiting and then like, you. You really put your roots down and a decade passes quite quickly. Did you sort of think about that before you did it or how did you go into it? 

Eric Melchor: So I think I was very lucky because when I was an undergrad I had wanted to do a a study abroad. And I petitioned to do a study abroad and apply for all these different excursions, whatever you call them. And I couldn't get any sort of funding, anybody to help fund my trip. But the university, there was a specific university I wanted to go to in Mexico called, University. Very beautiful Spanish city.

One of the first that they colonize cobblestone streets. If you're ever in Spain and you visit like Cordoba or Granada, this is like one of those cities, but in Mexico, very beautiful. And so the university granted me permission to go there. For a semester, and they would basically transfer nine credits or nine hours back to my undergrad degree.

And so I was able to do that, but I had to fund it myself. Luckily, Mexico was pretty cheap at that time. And so I think my total expenses for a month, including room and board and food and the university tuition was maybe around $500. And so my dad helped me out a little bit and I had saved some money as well.

And so from that experience was okay. Even if you can't get somebody to support you, or even if the road is not easy, just go ahead and try to figure out a way to do it. And so when I moved to New York City, it was very similar where I was already approaching. I was already in my late twenties and I had been applying to jobs online to try to get a job in New York City before I moved there.

It didn't happen. And so I saved money for about a year working two jobs enough to that I had enough money to cover my expenses so that when I did move there, I wasn't stressed out about having to find a job, a job right away. I did it in New York and then I did it going back to Houston from Bucharest and then now I did it again.

Leaving from Houston to Bucharest. Luckily, you know, I'm married now and my wife had her job, so it's not like . It's not like we were taking a huge risk with, with kids and trying to figure out how are we gonna put food on the table. I mean, I'm much more we planned much more in advance than when I was when I was younger.

Connor: Yeah. It sounds pretty exciting, you know, looking at your career today, what, what kind of experience in that journey or in another, you know, has made you who you are today and like, has helped you to do the things that you do today? 

Eric Melchor: Yeah, I think one of the things is that I was very lucky cause at undergrad I always wanted to work in marketing, specifically digital marketing. I thought it would be great to be in charge of campaigns, be in charge of budgets, be in charge of executing integrated campaigns for, you know, for big brands. And I looking back, I did that. I achieved that. I was a digital director, CX director for Fortune 500 companies back in Houston, managing teams, managing big budgets.

And I think the things that really made me successful was, was just having that drive and knowing what I wanted to do, you know, at a young age, in the young age, just not when I was a kid, but when I was in college and I thought marketing is something that I'm really good at. I can see an idea how I think it would help, you know, a certain brand by just getting more awareness or just creating a sense of a certain filling. An emotion and to the person that was like watching the ad or reading about the brand. 

And so I always love that aspect of what advertising can do. It has the power to like just create that different emotion. I can still watch P and G Olympic videos on YouTube. And I'll still tear up because to me, they're just so heart well on how they invoke that feeling of like, love and hope in their commercials. Now, I was never really fortunate to direct commercials like that, but I had fun, you know, creating different campaigns that drove awareness or generated sales for the brands that I worked with.

So really to answer your question, Connor, it was just like I knew what I wanted to do. I was happy doing what I was wanted to do, and I felt like I was really good at it. That was sort of my calling. 

The Fly Movement

Eric Melchor: Yeah, so here's the thing. You know, you're doing what you like doing, right? But does it give you fulfillment? Does it really give you true fulfillment? And although I was really happy with my career and I was doing what I wanted to do, I felt like I could do. And unfortunately, it's just the way that the world is. You're not really gonna have that opportunity to use your entire creativity unless it's your project.

Unless it's your side hustle, unless it's your business. And so from a very young age, I've always pursued different activities outside of work, whether it was participating in Toastmasters teaching as an adjunct professor, but when I got the opportunity to create a kid's fitness program, it really wasn't.

I would've never in a million years thought I would be creating a nonprofit. But when I was in New York, Nike had created the Fitbit or the Nike Fit Band. I can't remember exactly what they called. Yeah, I think it is Fitbit. The Fitbit, and I thought the first thing that came to my mind was that, oh wow, there is a very valuable way here and an easy way to get kids to move more and help curb childhood obesity.

And the idea was really simple. I thought everybody sees the idea that I'm thinking of you give kids fitness bands and then create teams, how the teams compete against each other, that can, whichever team can generate the most moves, wins. And they can win stuff like footballs, soccer balls, frisbees, hula hoops, like, you know, those are the kind of prizes that, that they could win.

And so out of sheer frustration, because years had gone. I didn't see this program, nobody was creating this program. You know, I would do searches online. I thought, surely somebody's created this program, but nobody had created it. And the technology was evolving. There was other brands that were creating the fit bands, and I thought, how hard this.

Could this be? I mean, it's a no brainer. People enjoy wearing these, you know, these fitness bands, and so that's why I created Fly Movement. It was really just outta frustration because nobody else was doing it. I had the idea, I felt like I could execute on it. I pitched it to three principles in Houston, and all three said yes.

We went the program Oh, oh. And I was like, oh shit. Sorry, I dunno if I could say that, but I was like, oh, shit, I gotta deliver now. Right? And I don't have anything, I don't have any money to support this. I don't have the time. I don't really have the, the background, the connections. And luckily I was able to recruit one of my former students who I had taught and recruited a colleague who was teaching CrossFit classes.

And she was you know, like triathlon and, and us three we put the program together and it was very simple. We provided each kid a fitness tracker. We focused on seven and eight year olds because of the research that we did that was a crucial age where kids basically start to start to see themselves outside of what their parents see them as.

They start to see the world and realize, oh, you know, self-identity. And so that's where it's a big part of their life when it comes to not just reading. Because that's the age where they're trying to read or starting to read fluently, but also health wise, because if they're obese at that age and they've already.

This is like seven to eight. Crucial age. And if they're already got bad habits of eating, then that's gonna continue pretty much for the rest of their life. And so, you know, that was a crucial age plus it was just a fun age to work with because the kids were just at that age were excited to see us, excited to wear the crackers.

We would go in the classroom and lead them in some fun exercises and tell 'em just to wear the trackers. We would come back two weeks later and that's when we would basically present the competition and we would go into one classroom and say, all right guys, you know, what is your name? The dinosaurs.

Okay. Can the dinosaurs as a team generate more fitness moves than the class next door, right? Than the astronauts or whatever. The team was next door. And the kids would get so excited. They would say, yeah, they would like jump up and down and high five in and we're gonna beat 'em. Okay guys, we got four weeks.

Whichever team generates the most moves, you know, they're gonna win prizes at the end of this experience. And the great thing about the program was that any gender could participate, you know, any, even if you were a non-athlete you could participate even if you came from a family that didn't believe in athletics, right?

It was made and designed for every kid, regardless of their socioeconomic background, regardless if they were athletic or not, regardless of their gender. I took the parents out of the equation purposely because in my own family, I had relatives who just didn't give a shit about their kids health and they were not the kind of parents that were gonna be enrolling them in activities and fitness programs.

And so I said, you know what? Let's just take the parents outta the equation on this. And we ran that program for about five years. And the thing is, it's not really scalable because you have to transfer the data that the fitness tractors collect individually. You know, you plug each one into a computer, let the data transmit, it takes about five minutes, and then you have to plug the other.

So I had an intern that would go in every week and do this, and it was like a two hour process just for two classrooms. And so then you have to have the platform that can aggregate all the. There was only one company that we found that could do that. And so even though the finished truckers themselves weren't that expensive, the platform to use it was pretty expensive.

And so it ended up costing us around $35 per kid. And so when you add that up, you know, to run a program for one semester between two classrooms, you're looking easily at $1,500. And that doesn't include any sort of salary or you know, the cost of anything. And so you know, we were able to get into three schools.

But the great thing was, was that I had the roadmap, I had the blueprint, and I willingly shared everything. I learned all the steps I did with anybody else who reached out to me. And I had schools from Boston, from Mexico, from Canada, from even Europe reaching out to me like, Hey, how did you guys do this?

And I'm like, here you. Here it is step by step. You wanna get on the phone with me? If you have any questions, we can do that. But that's why it wasn't scalable, because it was just a very manual effort to, to do that. That was the reason why. So I discovered, I was like frustrated. That's why I created it. And then when I started doing it, I'm like, oh, that's why nobody else has done this. 

Connor: So that was at the beginning. Have you found a way to tackle that problem? 

Eric Melchor: Well, I'm not sure if there's another platform, but I mean the cost was a big issue because on average it was $50 per kid to do this program. There's usually 25 kids per classroom, and then some kids lose fitness trackers, and so you have to have extra ones anyway, I mean, long story. I enjoyed it while I was doing it. If the technology, you know, advanced to where you could just transfer the data instantaneously without having to plug it into a computer, then I would be happy to revisit.

But at the end of that five year mark, the reason why I stopped is because I had a child on my own. And my responsibilities for the company I was working with were increasingly, you know, I was, I was getting you stressed out, trying to handle this full-time job as a director for this Fortune 500 company.

I got my first child and I'm trying to run this non-profit on the side doing all three things at once, and I notice I just never had a break. And it was like that for like over four. You know, I got, I got burned out to be honest. And something had to give. And the thing that was gonna get, had to give was gonna be the nonprofit.

Connor: Yeah, fair enough. That's admirable that you did all that. 

Eric Melchor: Yeah. And it was fulfilling. So I mean, what I started was, is like, does your job give you fulfillment? And most cases it does. It not, the kind of fulfillment that it touches your heart and it touches your soul. And when you look back on your life, it's like, what is the thing that I'm most proud of?

And it's like when I look at back on my life, it's flight. You know, there was kids that were in this program who, you know, I specifically served communities and schools that were underrepresented and that were down on the pole in terms of socioeconomic status. And so there was a lot of kids in there who were migrants.

Their parents were either back in Ecuador or Salvador, and they were living in a state run, you know, institution. They didn't have their parents there. And the principal, I'll never forget, one principal came up to me and said, Eric, this little girl that we have here, seven year old little girl, you know, she's always depressed.

She's always saying that, you know, she missed her mom. And we've been trying to. Engage her, work with her. And then one day she came up to me and she was smiling and she was holding up her wrists and she was like, look at my wrists. You know, I'm a part of this game, or we're trying to beat the other kids.

I had no idea I was impacting. Kids at that level. You know, it's, it's a sense of pride in when I look back and I think, yeah, that was probably the best thing that I've ever done outside of trying to be a good parent, which I'm trying to do right now. For my own kids. 

Connor: Yeah. That's incredible. I hope you get the chance to do something like that again in 10 years, or you know, whenever, because it just sounds like you have so much passion for it and doing that so much building opportunities for kids like that is just great. 

Eric Melchor: Yeah, I mean, the last thing I'll say about it, the great idea was like, hey, how about a kid or kids and Romania take on kids in New Zealand. Yeah, let's get a game. Let's get a game up. You have this scoreboard. People can like go online and if they wanna support the program, they can donate and at the same time they can just kind of, oh, they can just see this, you know, go in real time and look and see who's winning.

You know, what are the kids doing there? And the teachers could upload videos of like the kids. Doing different, you know, games and activities and you could see like the different rewards that, you know, the kids received. I mean, that was the big grand vision that I had for it. Just make it a global, you know, competition, you know, who moves more you know, the kids Parisian kids versus, you know, kids in Argentina to make it fun and, and so maybe there would be an opportunity in the near future to revisit it again. Who knows?

Building personalized experiences with OptiMonk

Eric Melchor: Yeah, no, this is a good segue into personalization, right? You know, and so something that happened recently, my son, he loves to climb trees. He's five years old. We go to this park next to where we live, beautiful tree. It's got all these different vines. He thinks he's tardy on swinging it across the vines. And so this past weekend I had to get part for our toilet where we live. And so I had to go to this Home Depot, I don't know if there's Home Depot in Zealand, but it's this big place and they saw all these parts for your home and things like that.

And so I thought about it and I said, James. His name is James. Hey James. You know that desk that daddy uses in his office? What's made of wood and wood comes from trees. You like the tree that you like to climb. What Daddy's gonna go to this place where there's all kinds of wood. It's got different colors, different sizes.

They even, some of even smell differently. Do you wanna go. Yeah, I wanna go. He gets all excited. Yeah, daddy, let's go. Right, right, right. Let's go. We get in the car, you know, he's all, he's I look back in the rear view mirror and he's got this smile. He's anticipating this place where there's all kinds of wood.

You know, now that, now that I think about it, in his mind, you, it's expectations high. Yeah. He's probably thinking, oh man, this, there's gonna be a lot of trees to climb. Right. And maybe I should have like, yeah. Yeah. Throw an expectations. So and so we get there and we park and we go in and he's like in awe of how big this place is.

Cause I don't think he had ever been in a Home Depot before. And so I think I said, hey, let's go find out where all the wood is. And I'm like, look at that little forklift over there. He's like, oh, that's cool. You know, we, we find the wood. And he's like, hey, can I touch it? And I'm like, yeah, go ahead, go touch it.

And he's trying to lift it and he's like, oh, it's too heavy. He's like, daddy, can you lift it? No, it's too heavy. You know, , but let's, but, you know, let's check out some other wood, you know? And then after like a few minutes I said, Hey, this place also has plants. Do you wanna go smell some of the different plants?

And he's like, yeah, let's go. And so we're like smelling the different plants. And then finally after that I'm like, all right, okay, daddy's gotta get this part. We get this and we leave. I think we were there maybe 15, 20 minute Maxs. I turned a trip, a trip going to Home Depot. I turned Home Depot into Disneyland for my kid.

Right. Okay. Maybe it's not Disneyland, I'm exaggerating here. But what I did was, is that I made it a, an enjoyable and memorable experience by taking a little bit of time and effort to think, how can I make this, you know, enjoyable and fun for him, right? And so how does this translate into personalization?

Well, I think, you know, I think as us parents, we always think that if we want our kids to have fun and have a good time, you know, we have to do something like maybe take 'em to a place where they can do the bouncy thing and jump. Or take 'em to a place where they could write go-karts or take 'em to get ice cream.

And all those things are fantastic, right? But if you use your creativity and kids have imagination, I mean, they'll play, you know, sometimes for hours by themselves, but using their imagination. But this trip to Home Depot turned into Disneyland. Well, if you. A business. And if you have a business, 99% of the time you're gonna have an online website, right? Or a website. 

Well, if you just take a little bit of that time and effort, right, and creativity, you can turn what would be a generic, you know, underwhelming experience on your website into a really enjoyable experience. For your visitors. And so that's what I'm here to talk about is just kind of give you some tips on what can you do right now to to, to create your website, make it into more, you know, personable for your visitors and so I've got some examples that I wanna share, but that's what I'm here to talk about, Connor. Personalization. 

So the good thing is that the tools are now available for marketers to actually make this happen without without any sort of coding, you know, background without having to rely on an engineer.

You know, the OptiMonk platform is very easy to use. I use it myself. If I can use it, trust me. Rest assured, I'm sure you can use it because I am not a coder and I, in fact, I don't even know html. So that should tell you something right there. But I, I've created campaigns for different segments and so I'm gonna give you three tips. Let's just focus on three simple tips here on how to create personalization. 

So let's suppose that you have visitors coming to your website organically, and you do not know anything about. Right. So how are you gonna create personalization for a visitor that you know nothing about? Well, let's say you're in the health and wellness space and you sell three core products.

Maybe one product helps you gain muscle, maybe another product helps you lose weight, and another product helps you sleep better, right? And so through the platform, it could recognize an organic visitor without any sort of history. So the suggestion would instead of just letting them guess their way into finding it as what they want, why not present a little message, a little side message or popup that asks them, hi, welcome to whatever the name is of your brand.

You know, can you please help us answer this? Are you interested in losing weight? Or gaining muscle or sleeping better, you know, answer this and we'll give you a 10%, you know, discount coupon. Well, our clients who use this method of trying to segment organic visitors, they know nothing about, they see about a 25% click through rate when they're presenting their organic visitors Questions like this.

And so if a person says, okay, I'm here to get put on more muscle, they would see a thank you message with a coupon and says, hey, you know, thank you so much. Here's your 10% coupon. By the way, would you like to receive content related to how to gain more muscle and promotions, you know, on our products where you could gain more muscle or something like that, right?

If so, just enter your email address. Well, because you've already created this micro engagement by asking, you know, what are you here for? We're seeing about 30% of people willingly leave their email address right from that second popup or that second. Okay. And so now, because you're making this experience personalized in real time, you can actually start creating the rest of the website experience whatever it is that they're interested in.

So if I was interested in trying to gain more muscle, now that I know that about you, now I could present a specific landing page or even another message that just simply says, oh, fantastic. By the way, here's our three, you know, top products on how to gain more. So now the person no longer has to do a search or try to navigate their way into finding it as what it is they're looking for.

They're basically, here is a website or a business that wants to find out what my problem is and present valuable information in a solution to help me get it as what I'm looking for. So that's an example number one for organic visitors before I go to the next example, I mean, what'd you think about that kind?

Connor: Yeah, I mean, it's nice. I've spoken to the guys at jebbit who run like quizzes on landing pages. I was just thinking as you were speaking do you have, like, I have two questions and then we can go. Do you have integrations to social media where you could do a poll or a poll on Twitter or Instagram that would and that data would be carried through to the website? 

Eric Melchor: I believe so, and the reason why I say I believe so is because you can transfer campaign parameters, for example, on a Facebook campaign. You can transfer those parameters inside the platform and so that way when they get over to OptiMonk, they can see the specific me messaging that you had in those.

Based on the campaign parameters. So I'm 99% sure you can do that with the new platform. There's companies that are already using that. We've been beta tasting, beta testing this with that are, are having a great time. Basically making the headline of a landing page, the same value proposition of a specific Facebook ad.

And so they're running like different Facebook ads, you know, promoting different value propositions and whichever one somebody clicked on, they go over to their website and they could see that that specific value proposition as the headline. So we have one company called Blend Jet, and they like to highlight that their blender is very easy to, it's easily port.

It's also powerful and it's also you can easily charge it up with the USB or ubs cable, right? And so depending on whatever ad somebody clicked on, when they click on the ad and they go to their landing page through the platform that person's gonna see a headline and copy related to the ad that they clicked on. So I'm about 99%% sure that we can do that with quizzes as well. 

Connor: Okay. My second question, just, I really am behind the premise and I'm sure that the 25% increase in click rate is, that's brilliant. But when, you know, my intuition with the popup that asks me questions like I'm not giving it any time. Like, I popup comes, I'm like, white space, click X, like, you know, escape on the keyboard. Do, do the popups come, you know, is there a timeline or is there any parameters that set them off? Or do they just come up? 

Eric Melchor: Absolutely. I mean, you can set, we recommend the different triggers on when you should set this up. So whether it's a trigger based on a certain amount of time on the website, or a minimum number of pages have visited, or a percentage of page that has been scrolled, you can set those parameters. And we also have recommendations on when you should implement those. 

And one of the things that we're excited about is that we're rolling out this AI feature that basically you can turn on if you feel you don't have the targeting set up properly. And what the AI feature is gonna do is if it feels that the the visitor is getting annoyed or overwhelmed by too many popups. Then it's basically gonna just take matters into its own hands and not show any popups.

So that's a cool feature that we're showing because a lot of people who use our platform, they have different campaigns multiple campaigns for a lot of different segments, and so they're not. You know, you can easily maybe get confused and not realize, okay, I'm not sure if this segment is gonna overlap with this other segment and this popup is gonna appear, and then maybe another popup will appear.

But popups are only a small portion of what the platform does. Now, one of the other things that we, we love, you know, for our clients to do is, is base different segments based off location for. And so if you have a store and you want to, you want people from Germany or Brazil or Australia to know that you ship to those locations, then you can have just like a little side message appear when it registers that there is a visitor coming from that from that country based on the IP and just a little side message that says, hey we ship to Germany.

Something like that and like show an image of, you know, the German flag. And that's, that's just a nice way to like, you know, ensure trust in somebody. So it's not like a big popup appearing on the screen. It's a little side message that it's still visible and it's not, it's not, you know, intrusive, but it's a nice way of telling the person that, Hey, we're here to help you and rest assured we deliver where, where you're coming from.

So I was thinking, okay, what if you're not using the OptiMonk platform? How can you make your website more, more personalized here? So I'm just gonna give you a few examples. 

One is go into Google Analytics. If you're using ga, look at your audiences that have the highest bounce. Right, and try to segment them by channel, by source, or by location. And so for example, let's say you're getting a very high bounce rate from people coming in from Instagram, for example.

And so through that and you know what, what page that they're landing on. Then on that specific page, ask a question like, hey, welcome from Instagram. We would love to know, you know what? Can we help you? You know, why are you here? Yeah. And just ask that question. I mean, there's tools out there. We can have like a little window pop up and say, were you able to find what you're looking for?

You know, or just have a little message. And if you can't do that, then just, you know, put that on on the page itself. Like, welcome from Instagram, love to have you here. You know, can you help us find out what you're looking for? Just try to ask the person that's the best way to figure out how can I make that experience better? Right. 

Connor: Yeah. So that's just replicating the mortar, brick and mortar store kind of experience. 

Eric Melchor: Yeah. Ask them directly. So that's one. That's one example. Another example is if you have coupons on your website, and if they're generic, one way that you can increase the conversions on those coupons is by adding the month.

So let's say you have you have Connor vip as as a coupon code, right? Instead of Connor vip, do like October Connor vip. And then every month, you know, you switch it out. So you have December Connor vip, and that usually will increase your conversions by about 10% for people that are trying to take advantage of that coupon.

And this is not really personal personalization, but you know, for a specific segment, it's just a little, a little trick that you can do to just make it feel like it's more special than what it currently is. Last thing I'll say is instead of using like a generic popup that's trying to get people to submit their email, to subscribe to your email list. 

Instead of doing that, try using an exit ex, I'm sorry, exit intent trigger popup. Meaning when a person is trying to close the window of the website or leave the website, you have a little popup appear. And offer some sort of incentive that will actually, usually, you know, more than double the conversions that you're getting from your generic pop up.

So that's, those are my three tips there. You know, look into your ga, find out the segments that are performing the worst. Try to make the coupon codes if you're using you a little bit more special by adding the month in front. And then the third one is test a exit intent trigger popup as opposed to just a standard popup and see if that gets you better.

So, yeah, so that's personalization. Obviously you can really scale this with different platforms out there. Cool thing about Optimum is that we make it super easy to use for marketers who don't really have that kind of coding background, engineering background. And then we're also rolling out some personalization courses that give you ideas and show you real use cases on how you can implement personalization for different segments that are attracted to your website. 

I mean, it'd be pretty cool if we could recognize by industry, you know, for example, maybe attract people from the healthcare space. We recognize that, oh, this is a website or this is a person coming from the healthcare industry. Why not showcase different use cases that pertain to the healthcare industry on the landing page that he comes to that this person visit.

Why not showcase different logos of partners that we work with, or brands that work with us that are actually in the healthcare space that this person may recognize. Those are just some of the different things that, you know, a person may want to use OptiMonk for, but obviously e-commerce. Really simple platform to use. E-commerce is what we're well known for, but other industries out there can have a good time using optimum as well. 

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Connor Curlewis

Former Content Producer

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