
6 min read

27 May 2022

How To Add Reviews On Shopify (And How To Collect And Manage Product Reviews)

How To Add Reviews On Shopify (And How To Collect And Manage Product Reviews)

Conversion is probably one of the most challenging parts of the sales funnel.

Because it takes a lot of effort to make your target customers aware of your brand.

Also, to nurture your relationships throughout their customer journey.

Not only is it demanding of effort, but it also needs a clever strategy on how to convert them into paying customers.

But what if I tell you that through product reviews, it's possible to gain more customers... as long as you do it right?

So, let me ask you some questions before we continue.

  • Do you have a lot of website traffic, but you're not converting them into paying customers?
  • Are you having a hard time managing the reviews you get?
  • Do you get a lot of feedback, but you're not sure how to take advantage of them?

If your answer is 'YES' to these questions, you need to finish reading this blog until the end.

Product reviews are a goldmine of information for consumers on the fence.

These help them decide whether or not they'll buy your products because product reviews influence their decision process.

They can see what others are saying about the products or services and decide from there.

That's why you need to be strategic about it โ€“โ€“ from integrating, managing, and collecting the reviews.

Well, there's now an app for you to do just that. And you'll find out more about it later. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Let's get down to business, shall we?


Importance Of Reviews For Your Shopify Store

Importance Of Reviews For Your Shopify Store


1. Product Reviews Can Build Trust

Even if your prospective customers aren't 100% sure they'll purchase from you... product reviews can help them make that decision.

If they see a lot of existing customers sharing about their experiences with your products, the trust starts building up.

They'll know you have a great product and efficient customer service.

And they'll consider buying from your eCommerce store, even if it's their first time.

So, if you want to eliminate their doubts... you need to add Shopify product reviews.

Another benefit of product reviews is...


2. You Can Encourage More Customers To Leave Reviews

When customers see other customers leaving reviews, they'll be encouraged to share their experiences as well.

Be it a positive or negative experience. It will push them to leave product reviews of their own.

And it's your chance to showcase your superb customer service because you'll deal with different reviews.

But whatever it is, the important thing is more people would be happy to leave a review.

The next reason why product reviews are essential is...


3. Product Reviews Can Increase Your Sales

Did you know that you can increase your conversions by 270% using product reviews?

As I mentioned above, it's because more people will trust your eCommerce store.

And increasing your conversion rate is one of the most important goals for your business, right?

So, including product reviews on your Shopify store is a must!

But... how?


How To Add Reviews On Shopify?

Adding a review app to your Shopify store is a no-brainer.

Just follow these steps.

Step 1: Choose the app you wish to use for your product reviews on Shopify App Store.

Step 2: Once you find the product reviews app you like, click "Add App."

Step 3: Select "Install App."

Step 4: Customize the app.

There are different settings for each review app, of course. But that's how it's generally done if you choose to use an app from the Shopify app store.

When customizing the app for your product reviews, you can choose how you want to display the reviews section on your Shopify store.

But wait...

There's a piece of good news!

Because Debutify is launching a Review app soon, keep your eyes peeled. ๐Ÿ‘€

We'll walk you through all the details soon!

For now, let's talk about...


7 Ways To Collect And Manage Reviews On Your Shopify Store

7 Ways To Collect And Manage Reviews On Your Shopify Store

The benefits sound impressive, yes?

But the real challenge here is managing and collecting reviews.

Luckily, I have five ways to help you.

The first one is...


1. Allow Them To Upload Product Photos

Some customers want to show the actual image of a product, and some don't.

Allowing them to upload product photos will encourage them to share their own.

It can also help other customers figure out if they're willing to buy your products through existing customers' reviews.

But to make this strategy more efficient, do you know what will help you?

Debutify Reviews allows you to collect photo and video reviews!

So, this is a chance for you to showcase how great your products are, right?

Another way to collect product reviews is...


2. Ask Your Target Customers For Reviews Via Email

Email marketing is an efficient digital marketing tactic if you have a streamlined process.

This will save you more time and focus on other areas of your business.

And the best part? You can use email marketing to collect customer reviews.

After the purchase, you can send them an email asking what they think about the products or services.

But what if you get a ton of customers, and you don't have enough time to ask each of them for a product review?

That's where Debutify Reviews comes in.

It can collect reviews on autopilot by sending automated review requests and reminders for those who haven't left product reviews yet.

You can also customize the email template if you want to keep it on-brand!

To collect more product reviews, you can also...


3. Add Incentives When They Leave Reviews

Did someone say... free stuff? ๐Ÿ‘€

Offering incentives when customers leave product reviews on your Shopify store will encourage more of them.

For example, you can give them a small discount on their next purchase.

Or you can also create a "points system." What is this?

They can get points for every review and use them as discounts on their next transaction.

Does it sound hard to pull off? Not anymore!

Debutify Reviews can alert customers on their email once their discounts are up!

Aside from that, you can also...


4. Import Your Product Reviews

You can import your existing reviews from other platforms to manage your product reviews more efficiently.

If you have product reviews from different websites, like AliExpress, you can effortlessly import them to one app.

This will make it easier for you to manage all your product reviews in one dashboard.

And newsflash... Debutify Reviews can help you do that.

Astonishing, isn't it?

Here's another way to collect more product reviews.


5. Reply To The Product Reviews

Replying to customers who left feedback is a great way to collect and manage reviews.

If they see you replying to positive reviews and thanking them, it will encourage them to leave their own detailed reviews.

And if they also see you acknowledging negative feedback, it will also prompt them to share their own experience.

The good news is, whether it is a negative or positive review, it's easy to manage all product reviews in a single dashboard.

But sometimes, negative reviews get out of hand.

This is where you need an app that will help you manage this.

With Debutify Reviews, you can immediately hide those with explicit and inappropriate language.

This is important to provide a safe space to leave product reviews for your customers while also protecting your brand reputation.

The next one is...


6. Deal With Negative Reviews In A Nice Way

Managing negative reviews can be challenging for online store owners.

Sometimes, you also get annoyed at receiving these types of online reviews. Especially if you made sure everything was perfect.

But dealing with negative reviews in a friendly way will help you collect more reviews.

As I said above, they will feel valued once you acknowledge your honest mistakes or if the products didn't meet their own expectations.

They will see that you exert effort to make things right and satisfy your customers.

Remember, you can totally turn that negative review into a positive experience for your customers!

And lastly...


7. Showcase Your Reviews On Social Media

Want to collect more reviews? Showcase them on social media!

This will encourage more prospective customers to buy and leave reviews.

Showing product reviews on social media can make your customers feel seen and their feedback meaningful.

You can also use their image product reviews to showcase the authentic look of your products. This is your chance to show more UGC or User Generated Content.

So, are you ready to...


Collect, Manage, And Take Advantage Of Product Reviews For Your eCommerce Brand!

You see, it's not easy collecting and managing product reviews.

That's why you need a review app that does its job to make it easier for you to sell. And if this isn't your lucky day...

Because Debutify Reviews is the solution to your problem. You can use this app to make everything easy for your brandโ€” from importing reviews from other apps to collecting reviews via email!


Try Debutify Reviews for free and convert more customers!

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Trisha Ballesteros

Trisha Ballesteros is a content writer and digital creator who's skilled and passionate about marketing, social media, tech, and user experience.

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