
5 min read

16 Jun 2020

How To Successfully Use Pinterest To Market Your Shopify Store

How To Successfully Use Pinterest To Market Your Shopify Store

Social media is a great way to make your eCommerce brand known to a wide group of people in a very efficient manner. It’s no wonder that the likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter take up a significant portion of marketing budgets.

However, a large majority of online stores use any or a combination of these social media platforms as part of their marketing strategy because of their large number of users. Other platforms that host a significantly smaller number of subscribers are usually left by the wayside. Enter Pinterest.

The social media platform has been slowly gaining traction and is now in the top 5 social media. The platform has over 335 million active users. This pales in comparison to Facebook’s 2.5 billion users. 

Nevertheless, Pinterest marketing is garnering a certain appeal among eCommerce brand marketers. Read on to find out how to use Pinterest marketing for an eCommerce store to grow your Shopify outlet.

How To Successfully Promote Your Shopify Store On Pinterest

With other brands focusing on tapping into the large market base on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, it makes smart business sense to turn your focus onto a significantly large and untapped market.

Pinterest marketing provides you with an opportunity to get your Shopify store brand in front of a multitude of people that don’t have to wade through a large number of other brands.

What is particularly unique about Pinterest is the fact it influences around 70 to 80 percent of women’s consumer spending.

So, if your brand deals in products that appeal to women, Pinterest marketing for an eCommerce store is the right strategy to use. Here’s how you can use Pinterest marketing to grow your brand.

Add A Follow Button On All Your Pages And Marketing Material

One way to establish your brand’s presence on Shopify is to garner as many pinners as you can to follow your page.

To do this, add the Pinterest follow button in prominent locations on pages of your store. Additionally, you can add it to other places like a blog or even links in your other marketing material.

Many people will find your website before they land on your Shopify store. Your brand website is, therefore, also a good place to place this button.

In the same breath, popups, newsletters, and other emails to your leads are great places to add this button linking back to your Pinterest page.

Add A Pin Button On Your Shopify Product Pages

On each of your product pages, you should add a Pin button that redirects to Pinterest.

This button makes it easy for your potential customers to share the link to the product or to add it to their boards. Followers of these potential customers can look through their boards and discover your products.

This makes Pinterest a great way to reach out to an audience that you might not have reached with other forms of marketing.

You can use HTML code to add this button to your Shopify store. Alternatively, if you don’t have the technical expertise to do this, you can take advantage of Shopify themes that already have this feature installed.

Make Use Of ‘Shop The Look’ Pins

Shop the Look Pins 

Despite the several changes in eCommerce, one thing remains constant; the customers’ need for convenience and efficient shopping.

Many of them, therefore, find it a hassle when they discover something they want from a brand on social media and then have to go to either the website or Shopify store to compare it to other products before completing the buying process.

Social media makes Pinterest marketing for eCommerce stores easier by enabling convenience on the part of the customer. The ‘Shop the Look’ feature enables customers to buy anything within an image you posted on Pinterest.

If your photo has a group of products, Pinterest places white dots on those products so that the customer can compare them without having to leave. The customer hovers over one of the dots and this shows them similar products.

They can then choose the one they want For all the pins you’re making, use Pinterest’s tagging tool to ensure that each image directs back to that product’s page on your Shopify store.

This convenience will entice potential customers to choose your products over those of your customers appearing in the same feed.

Use High-Quality Images And Photographs

Pinterest is a visual platform. This means that users of the platform expect to find high-quality images when they’re browsing. 

To stand out from the rest, invest in photography so that you can have high-definition photos to pin to your various boards. People usually browse the platform to get quality images to add to their own boards. 

You, therefore, need to catch their attention with your images.  One way to do this is to vary the orientation of your photos. Juxtapose vertical (900x600)pixel images with square (600x600) pixel photos.

This grouping of images catches the attention of users as they scroll past, prompting them to explore it further. Another advantage of using high-definition photos is that it helps the platform’s algorithm to identify your photos and present them in search results when users utilize Pinterest Lens to look up things they want.

Additionally, 62 percent of millennials and people in Gen Z use visual searches. As the only social network with this feature, Pinterest offers you an untapped market that the other platforms. This is an especially prudent thing to do if your Shopify store sells home decor or fashion products.

Vary The Kind Of Content You Pin To Your Boards

Just because this social media platform relies on visuals doesn’t mean that you should fill all your boards with images and photographs.

To retain the attention of potential customers, you need to mix it up when it comes to the kind of content to put out. Apart from photos and other images, you can also add visuals.

These are particularly useful if you need to provide some more information or tutorials for your product. Moving images are more engrossing and drive the point home faster than static images.

Relatably, you needn’t only post your brand products. Sometimes it pays to create boards that have products from other brands that cater to the given topic of that board you’re creating.

These might not be exact products from your direct competitors but rather complimentary items in the same niche but from different brands.

Not only does this provide a variety for the users but it also paints your brand in a good light when you put your customers’ shopping experience over the chance to further promote yourself.

Incorporate SEO Practices In Your Descriptions

SEO Practises

One way to boost traffic to your Shopify store is by using search engine optimization. This has been proven on your website and blogs. You need to do the same on your Pinterest page.

Because the majority of the platform is visual, you need to find some text to incorporate the best SEO practices. Product descriptions on the pins provide an ideal way to optimize your content for search engines.

Additionally, you can put your keywords into the board titles to increase their chances of being picked up by search engines and showing up in results.

If you’re not sure about the keywords to include, you can use Pinterest’s ‘Create Ad’ feature that allows you to find keywords you can use on the platform. When you click on it, select the pin you want to promote. Look out for the ‘Target audience’ section. Here, you can fill in the beginnings of a keyword to find other related keywords already in use. These should give you an idea to use in your other posts. Another nifty way to improve SEO is by incorporating hashtags in your pins and throughout the different boards.

In A Nutshell

Although not really the first name when it comes to social media marketing strategies, Pinterest holds its own with some of its unique features. Pinterest marketing for an eCommerce store, therefore, become something that Shopify store marketers should take up.

Adding follow and pin buttons on your product pages goes a long way in increasing your following on the social media platform.

Some Shopify themes automatically add these to your product pages to increase shareability. With such reach, take advantage of unique features like Shop the Look and Pinterest Lens to provide an intuitive shopping experience to your customers.

Furthermore, vary the kind of content that you put on the platform. Additionally, optimize the content so that it can show up high on search engine results pages. With all these in place, you will increase traffic to your Shopify store by cornering an audience that several marketers don’t pay attention to.

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Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the CEO at Debutify. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

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