E-commerce Tips & Tricks

7 min read

22 Oct 2024

The Power of Retargeting in Your eCommerce PPC Strategy

The Power of Retargeting in Your eCommerce PPC Strategy

Picture this: A customer visits your online store, checks out a few items, and even adds something to their cart. Then... leaves without buying. Frustrating, right?

It’s a situation that happens more often than you'd think. In fact, according to some reports, about 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts.

Now, what if you could gently nudge those potential buyers to come back and complete their purchase? That’s where PPC retargeting comes into play, and it’s a game-changer in your eCommerce PPC strategy.

Many eCommerce store owners focus on the front end. That means they focus more on attracting new customers with pay-per-click (PPC) ads. But what often gets overlooked is what happens after that first click—when potential buyers browse but don’t buy. This is where PPC retargeting becomes essential.

Not only does it remind customers of what they left behind, but it also boosts your chances of converting visitors into paying customers.

Let’s dive into why retargeting is an absolute must for your eCommerce PPC strategy and how it can transform your online store's performance.

What is PPC Retargeting?

What is PPC Retargeting?

Before we get into why it’s so powerful, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what PPC retargeting is.

In simple terms, retargeting is a method of advertising where you serve ads specifically to people who have previously interacted with your store but didn’t complete a desired action (like making a purchase).

Think of it as a friendly reminder. You know those ads that seem to follow you around the internet after you’ve browsed a product? That’s PPC retargeting in action.

The idea is that by showing ads to people who already know your brand, you increase the likelihood they’ll come back and complete a purchase. It’s smart, it’s effective, and it’s essential to a winning eCommerce PPC strategy.

Why Retargeting Matters More Than Ever

Why Retargeting Matters More Than Ever

Let’s get real. Getting people to click on your ads is only half the battle. Once they’re on your site, there’s no guarantee they’ll buy anything right away.

People are distracted. They might be comparing prices, they might get interrupted, or they may just be browsing.

Whatever the reason, not all visitors convert on their first visit—and that’s okay. What’s not okay is letting those visitors slip through your fingers.

This is where PPC retargeting comes in. You’re not wasting your ad dollars on cold leads. Instead, you’re focusing on warm leads—people who’ve already shown interest.

In fact, retargeting ads can lead to a 10x higher click-through rate than regular display ads. That’s massive! Plus, retargeting is far cheaper than acquiring a completely new customer.

Now, think about this: Studies have shown that it takes, on average, 7 touches to turn a prospect into a customer.

Retargeting helps you make those touches without coming off as too aggressive. It’s like a gentle nudge that says, “Hey, remember this awesome product you were looking at?”

Retargeting Helps You Get More Out of Your Ad Spend

One of the biggest reasons eCommerce store owners are hesitant to pour money into PPC ads is the fear of wasted ad spend. Nobody likes the idea of throwing money down the drain.

But with retargeting, your ad dollars are put to better use. Here’s why. Instead of spending your budget on new users who may or may not convert, you’re focusing on people who already showed interest.

They’re already in the pipeline; they just need a little encouragement. This means your PPC optimization efforts will be far more efficient. And efficiency means a better return on investment (ROI).

Here’s another stat: Retargeted ads can boost conversion rates by 150%. That’s a big deal, especially for smaller eCommerce businesses. Because every dollar they spend on ads needs to be worth it.

It Works Across Platforms

One of the great things about PPC retargeting is that it works on many platforms. Whether you’re using Shopify PPC ads on Google, Facebook, or Instagram, you can set up retargeting on all of them. This gives you more chances to reach your potential customers, no matter where they go online.

Think about how often you scroll through Instagram and see an ad for something you almost bought. It feels like magic, right? But it’s not. It’s just smart PPC optimization.

By running retargeting ads on different platforms, you increase your chances of turning window shoppers into paying customers.

You Can Segment Your Audiences for Better Results

Another reason why retargeting is so important for your eCommerce PPC strategy is that it lets you segment your audience into groups. Not all visitors are the same, and you shouldn’t treat them like they are.

With retargeting, you can create special ads for different groups. These ads are based on what people did on your website.

For example, you're a Shopify store owner. Someone who looked at one of your products but didn’t add it to their cart might need one type of ad. They might see an ad offering them a discount. But someone who added items to their cart and didn’t check out might need a reminder ad showing what they left behind.

Personalizing your ads like this makes them more useful. When ads feel more relevant, people are more likely to click and buy. This makes your Shopify PPC strategy even better!

Retargeting Builds Brand Familiarity and Trust

Here’s something people don’t talk about enough: retargeting helps build trust. Think about it. How often do you buy something from a website you've never heard of after seeing just one ad? Probably not often.

Customers need to feel comfortable with your brand before they’re ready to buy. Retargeting helps with that. When visitors see your ads again and again, they get to know your brand better. This repeated exposure builds trust.

The more familiar your brand becomes, the more likely people are to buy from you. In eCommerce, where trust is key, this makes a huge difference.

Retargeting Is Cost-Effective

You might be thinking, “Sure, this all sounds great, but what about the cost?” Here’s the good news: Retargeting is one of the most cost-effective forms of PPC advertising.

Because you’re targeting people who’ve already interacted with your store, the cost per click (CPC) tends to be lower than with standard PPC ads.

In fact, retargeting ads cost between 20% to 50% less than standard display ads. And because these ads are more likely to convert, your overall cost per acquisition (CPA) is lower, too.

This means you can stretch your ad budget further, making retargeting an essential part of any eCommerce store’s PPC optimization efforts.

Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads Make Retargeting Easy

Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads Make Retargeting Easy

When it comes to PPC optimization, platforms like Google Ads and Google Shopping Ads make setting up retargeting campaigns simple and effective.

Google Ads, for instance, allows you to create custom audiences based on specific behaviors. For example, this can be users who visited your store but didn’t buy.

With Google Shopping Ads, retargeting can be even more powerful. These ads showcase specific products that your visitors viewed. So, when a possible customer searches for something similar, your product shows up at the top of the list.

This is along with a picture of the exact item they were looking for. This keeps your brand front and center, which makes it much more likely for users to return and buy.

With Google’s massive reach, your eCommerce PPC strategy gains the upper hand. It gives you multiple chances to reconnect with potential customers across the internet.

Retargeting with these tools helps you create a seamless shopping experience. Because the last thing you want is for a customer to forget about that product they almost bought from you.

Turn Window Shoppers into Buyers with an Effective eCommerce PPC Strategy

PPC retargeting is a must for your eCommerce PPC strategy. It helps you reconnect with visitors who already know your brand.

This way, you can gently push them to complete their purchase. Whether you're trying to lower cart abandonment, get more sales, or stretch your ad budget, retargeting works.

So, when you plan your Shopify PPC campaigns, don’t only focus on new customers. Go after those warm leads, organize your audience, and watch your conversions grow. Retargeting has the power to turn window shoppers into loyal customers.

By adding retargeting to your eCommerce PPC strategy, you'll boost conversions and make your ad spend work harder. And that’s something no eCommerce store owner should ignore.

To learn more about the different types of paid ads, check out this article.

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Rhea Diamante

Rhea Diamante is a copywriter at Debutify, where she crafts compelling and engaging content. With a knack for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she ensures every piece she writes resonates with the audience and drives results.

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