E-commerce Tips & Tricks

5 min read

05 Oct 2022

The Importance Of eCommerce Graphic Design (and 3 Quick Tips On How To Be Good at it)

The Importance Of eCommerce Graphic Design (and 3 Quick Tips On How To Be Good at it)

Look at your surroundings... we may not notice it, but the things we see both online and offline consist of design.

And it plays a significant role in our everyday lives and how we perceive things... which is also the same for your eCommerce business. But in the form of graphic design.

When customers are browsing your eCommerce store, they will notice the overall look of it. And that will affect how they feel about your business.

If you want them to feel positive things while on your eCommerce website, stay tuned because we'll discuss...

  • What is eCommerce graphic design?
  • The importance of having enticing graphic designs for your business
  • What makes a good graphic design?
  • 3 quick tips to be good at graphic design, even if you're a new graphic designer.

Are you ready? Let's deep dive.


What is eCommerce graphic design?

What is eCommerce graphic design?

Graphic design is visual content that consists of different elements. These elements can be color, text, texture, shapes, lines, and spaces.

Usually, graphic designs are seen in advertisements, magazines, eCommerce websites, several social media platforms, and print media.

But there are different types of graphic design, and here are some of them:

Since we're talking about eCommerce graphic design, we'll mostly focus on relevant designs that you'll produce for your business.

If you're curious about why you need to exert effort in graphic design, let's talk about the...


5 Benefits of having attractive graphic designs for eCommerce businesses


1. Attract audience and website visitors

You can attract more audience when you have enticing graphic designs. Consider this as an invitation to check out your social media platforms or website.

For example, your graphics or illustration came up on their news feed or explore page. This will prompt them to check out your page. Who knows? They might give a follow, too.

And when prospects search for specific keywords on Google search, your photos might also come up in the search results. That's one way to attract and drive them to your website.

So, it's essential to have enticing graphic designs that will make your audience curious and want to see more from you.

Another reason why eCommerce graphic design is important is...


2. Engage with customers

Your customers will interact with you through graphic designs. As I said, your visual content should make them feel things.

And when they do, that can spark interactions or conversations. They are willing to engage with your brand.

By the way, engagement can come in many forms in digital marketing. It can be through following your social media accounts, purchasing from your eCommerce store, sharing your content, and more.

The bottom line is it's how your audience or potential customers interact with your brand. And if you're not yet planning on investing in graphic designs, you'll miss out.

Because graphic design can also help you...


3. Build brand identity

Have you ever seen a graphic design online and instantly know which brand it is from? If yes, your customers will feel the same way, too.

Because having cohesive graphic designs for your eCommerce platforms will help you build a strong brand identity.

And when your audience sees them on various platforms, they'd know they're from your brand. You will stand out and be recognizable.

Also, you can establish a brand identity by using elements that represent your brand... like the colors, text, shapes, and even your brand voice.

Having a robust brand identity in your graphic design will also help...


4. Communicate brand message

Graphic design is a form of visual communication. And I mentioned that graphic designs would make your customers feel things.

For example, your designs use funky fonts and lively, bold colors. Your audience might perceive your brand as fun and modern.

While if you're using minimal designs, they might consider your brand classic or somewhat premium. That's how important graphic designs are.

You'll be able to communicate your brand message by creating the right designs that will amplify your message and positioning.

And another reason is...


5. Strengthen marketing efforts

Yep. Graphic designs can strengthen your marketing efforts. Remember, visuals are one of the first things your potential customers will discover about your brand.

They will come across your print ads, paid ads, social media content, website, etc. So, your designs will be helpful in your digital marketing strategies.

If your graphic designs are enticing, you can increase conversions, click-through rates, social media followers, and more. This will also help in your search engine optimization efforts.

Let's look at this example from Popeyes' Instagram account.

This social media graphic design from Popeyes is straightforward and on-brand.

They used their brand colors, a photo of their store in the background, and a lively font to inform their customers that they sell shrimp.

But how would we even know if a graphic design is good?


What makes a good graphic design?

What makes a good graphic design?

A good graphic design is...


1. Non-offensive

Your design should not include offensive words, photos, or other design elements that disrespect any communities or individuals.

You can prevent your brand from being perceived negatively if you don't do this. So, conduct thorough research and be mindful of the designs you'll come up with.

A good graphic design is also...


2. Cohesive

Again, let's circle back to building a brand identity. If your designs are cohesive, more people will recognize your brand.

It means you should stick to a brand voice, color palette, and texts that will convey your messages accurately.

Lastly, good designs are...


3. Accessible

Accessible design means your designs are also thinking of people with special needs.

For example, people who experience vision impairment. Your design should include colors that are easy on the eye and texts that are readable for them.

Make sure that you include everyone when creating your graphic designs.

Now that you know what some things that make an amazing graphic design are... let's talk about them...


3 Tips on how to create great graphic designs for your online store

Even if you have no graphic designers, you can still create amazing web content and design for your eCommerce store!

The first tip is...


1. Stick to your brand identity

Surely, you already have a brand identity for your business. This includes your tone of voice, color palettes, fonts, and photos that represent your brand.

Again, you need to make your designs cohesive in your platforms... like websites, social media accounts, ads, and more.

You also need to...


2. Invest in editing tools

You need to invest in editing software or tools to create the best graphic designs. This is essential if you want to stick to your brand identity.

Why? Because some free editing tools don't allow you to upload your own fonts. Some don't also have engaging elements or designs for your designs.

So, what to look for when investing in design tools?

You should look for flexibility. The tool must-have features that allow you to design however you want. It should give you options.

Some tools you can check out are:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Canva

Investing in eCommerce tools will be really helpful for your business. And my last quick tip is...


3. Continue evolving

Design is not a one-and-done thing. Design trends are evolving as well as how consumers are interacting with designs.

Also, you need to find your own style. This will make it easier for you to come up with designs, especially if you have no graphic designers.

Try watching YouTube tutorials, and podcasts, or keep yourself updated with the latest design trends.

So, what's next?


Implement these quick tips and create engaging graphic designs for your eCommerce store!

Even if you have no huge budget to hire professional graphic designers or eCommerce website designers... you can still create designs that will engage your audience!

You just need to find the right tools and have a clear brand identity. Doing so will help you design better and put your ideas to life.

If you're still struggling to find your brand identity, here's...


Create a brand identity for startup eCommerce brands!

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Trisha Ballesteros

Trisha Ballesteros is a content writer and digital creator who's skilled and passionate about marketing, social media, tech, and user experience.

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