E-commerce Tips & Tricks

7 min read

23 Sep 2021

3 Reasons Why Adding Shipping Times Can Increase Your Sales

3 Reasons Why Adding Shipping Times Can Increase Your Sales

Which part of lockdown is the most difficult for you?

For me, it's waiting for online orders to arrive.

Do you feel the same way? If yes, virtual high-five. Our customers are like us, too!

They can't wait to receive their orders. When the delivery day comes, their eyes are glued to the door, and they run to answer it.  

So, why do people behave this way?  

Because of the FOMD (Fear of missing delivery). It’s REAL!

The pandemic has changed our lives a lot...

Online shopping became the favorite pastime of people during the lockdown. The eCommerce industry flourished further. So, it’s safe to say that online shopping will continue to grow even further!

Thus, online sellers like you have their work cut out for them.

You need to continue to improve your customer's experience and satisfaction. And don’t make them restless when receiving their orders.

So, how can you do it?

It’s simple, by reading this blog post ?

So, join me, as I talk about shipping and processing time, and how adding shipping times helps improve your business.

Let’s start…

What is Shipping Time?

Shipping time or speed refers to the time it takes for the order to travel from you to your customer.

We use distance to measure shipping speeds. For instance, local or international shipping. But, we show shipping speeds as timelines, such as 7 days, 15 days, etc.

Let’s talk about...

Shipping Time vs. Processing Time

Shipping speed is how long it takes the carrier to deliver the order to the ultimate destination. 

Whereas processing time refers to the time taken by the business to prepare the order. When the business hands over the order to the shipping carrier, the processing time is over.

A lot of customers are familiar with both terms. But, I believe it’s better to state it again on your website to make it clear. If you make customized items or take time to create your products, don’t forget to mention the processing time.

For example, see how www.ineffabless.co.uk has done it for its customers.

People can customize their products at ineffabless. co

Hence, they provide accurate details on processing time. They’ve clearly stated that delivery time doesn’t include production time. In that way, customers will know how many delivery days will count after the production.

Now, this brings us to a very interesting question:

“Is it useful to mention shipping time in my business?”

Hmm… why don’t we talk more about it?

What Are the Benefits of Adding Shipping Times to Your Business?

Shipping speed plays an important role in enhancing the eCommerce customer experience.

Don't just rely on my words. Check out these facts and figures:  

  • According to research, 73.6% of buyers believe shipping affects their shopping experience.
  • 83.5% of customers do not shop from a business after a poor shipping experience.
  • 60.7% of buyers are more likely to buy from the brand if they see delivery timings in their shopping carts.
  • 47% of prospects will not prefer a brand if its delivery terms aren’t transparent.

Adding shipping times is a must. Any brand that wants to answer ‘How to improve customer satisfaction?’ must add shipping time at checkout.

Let’s see how adding shipping times can help your business:

1. Increases Customer Confidence And Brand Trust By Providing Clarity And Transparency

When your shipping time is clear, your buyers feel confident about buying from you. Adding the estimated shipping times sets clear expectations for your customers. It also helps them to trust the business with their orders.

By clear communication, I mean three things:

  • Letting your buyers know how long it will take to process their orders;
  • The number of days it will take to deliver the order;
  • The cost of the product with the shipping charges included.

For example, Smash+Tess has included all three points at the checkout.

The customers can select the shipping method. It also tells the customers the extra shipping charges it’ll cost them to get the order faster.

Providing both options along with the cost is helpful for your customer. He can decide which shipping he wants and how much you will charge him for quick delivery.

Besides that, adding shipping times helps...

2. Reduce Customer Cart Abandonment

Ah… cart abandonment. The painful sight no seller wants to behold!

I am sure you hate it too when your customers forget about their carts and exit the website. Unfortunately, cart abandonment is a part of the eCommerce world. You cannot remove it completely.

But you can cut it down a little.

Displaying shipping times can help you reduce it.

Here’s how:

There are many factors responsible for cart abandonment. A slow delivery process and high shipping costs are also some of them.

You don't buy from websites that don’t show delivery times, right? Because I don’t buy from a website that leaves out the shipping information on the checkout.

Just like you and me, your customers will also hesitate to shop if you don't mention the shipping timings.

By mentioning the timings, you can provide them with shipping transparency. It’ll help you remove the friction that can cause cart abandonment. It also adds trust and a level of certainty about the arrival of the order.

A clear shipping policy reduces the chances of your customers backing out.

Let’s give an example here:

Suppose your customer urgently wants his order shipped. He adds products to his cart and then proceeds to the checkout. He fills up the checkout form and then sees his order summary. Over there, he sees the shipping charges and the shipping days.

The summary states that it’ll take 7 days to ship the order. What do you think will happen now? Will the customer buy the products from you if it takes 7 days to ship?

Nope, he won’t. He will abandon his cart and leave. The best way to avoid this is by being clear about your shipping speed and terms from the start.

It also helps in improving customer satisfaction and experience.

Let’s discuss it more…

3. Improves Customer Satisfaction and Experience

Customers want brands to keep them in the loop about their orders. They want to know the day, date, and total charges of their orders.

But why? Why are the customers so curious about this information?

Again… it’s FOMD.

Customers don’t want their orders to return from their doorsteps, or worse, get stolen if it’s pricey. Hence, they want precise shipping timings from the business. So that they stay available for receiving the orders.

Also, customers fear that someone else will pick up their order. For example, Bob orders a solitaire ring for his mom as a surprise gift. The brand doesn’t mention the shipping time.

When the order arrives, Bob’s mom receives it. Safe to say, the brand ruined Bob’s surprise.

Mentioning shipping times also saves you from endless calls from your customers. I am sure you love to entertain your customers and answer them. But sometimes, the endless order and shipping inquiries can be exhausting.

Thus, providing them with the shipping and processing time keeps them patient. They will not hound your customer care department with aggressive questions.

So, what do you think about adding shipping times?

Isn’t it worth adding it to your website to improve customer experience and keep them happy with your brand?

Now that you know why adding shipping times is important,

It's time for us to discuss more about...

Shipping Delays... What To Do About It?

Shipping Delays... What To Do About It?

Now, let’s assume you mention every detail on your website. You were clear about your processing and shipping times, shipping rates, and terms. And there is a delay in shipping, because of bad weather, the carrier’s transport broke down, unstable city conditions, etc.

What will you do then?

I know, it’s scary when customers don’t receive their orders at the given time. But, if this type of situation arises, communicate with your customers.

Hiding the delay in shipping isn’t a good approach for you. Always communicate and inform your customers about the change in shipping timings.

This brings us to the question...

What Should You Do If There Are Delays on Shipments?

1. Communicate Proactively

Don't be afraid to tell your customers about the delay. If there is a genuine reason, like terrible weather, they will understand.

Plus, they’ll appreciate your efforts in informing them about the delay. So, next time if there is a delay on your end or your carrier’s end, inform your customers.

Customers love it when brands are honest with them. Your little effort in communication can make them fall in love with your brand.

Now the question is, how are you going to communicate with them?

You can communicate with your customers by...

2. Use All The Channels

Most of the online stores display a notice about shipping delays on their websites.

But, a notice alone isn’t enough!

Here's why:

Chances are high that a customer might not visit your website. So, you need to make sure that you inform them about the delay through different channels.

Here's what you can do:

Post the delayed shipping notice on your social media handles. Send them an email, or an SMS, to update your customers about the delay.

Another thing you can do is...

3. Check With Other Retailers

If you’re experiencing delays that are beyond your control, contact other retailers. Ask them if they’re facing the same issue and how they’re dealing with it.

Talking to different retailers will help you find the root cause of shipping delays and how you can fix it.

It's Now Time To Boost Customers' Confidence By Adding Shipping Times...

Visitors need more than just an excellent product to convert.

He seeks both a great product and a great shopping experience. So, make your customers feel at ease when they're ordering from you by adding shipping times.

Give them a proper time frame for when they can receive their products.

Wait a minute!

And how are you going to do that?

Simple... with Debutify!

Debutify offers a conversion trigger Delivery Time add-on. It's a feature that lets you add the estimated delivery time to your Shopify Store. Now, that's all set and done.

Don't forget to...

Be Transparent And Boost Customers’ Confidence With Debutify!

Maximum Transparency. Increased Customer Confidence. Better Sales.

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Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the CEO at Debutify. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

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