Digital Marketing

5 min read

19 Nov 2021

3 Ridiculously Important Tips for Making Retargeting Ads Your Ecommerce Customers Can't Ignore

3 Ridiculously Important Tips for Making Retargeting Ads Your Ecommerce Customers Can't Ignore

Imagine this...

Customer X visits your ecommerce store.

He browses your store pages, puts a product in his shopping cart.

Yet he left and went to your competitor.

Missed sale? Yes, but wait...

While in another store, Customer X suddenly starts seeing ads for that same product.

This time, it caught his attention!

And the good news is he's now ready to buy!

And the rest is history.

This is what retargeting in digital marketing is about.

Because not all your visitors will buy from your store the moment they lay their eyes on it.

The way shoppers behave on an ecommerce site tells a lot, like which products they’re interested in, and even what they’re on the verge of buying.

This is very useful information for your business because it allows you to create specific ads aimed at people who have shown interest in your products.

Interesting! But, how does it work?

Let me explain...

How Does Retargeting Work?

Retargeting is the process of using ads on external sites to reach customers or visitors who left your online store.

With this, they are reminded of your products and services.

Let me show you some...

Retargeting Ads Examples:

Retargeting Ads Examples

Your visitors can view related text and visual ads like these after your visitors have left your ecommerce website...

  1. If you often see this epic ad by Grammarly, it just goes to have been targeted!


2. Did you ever browse and later get this similar ad?

3. Now, look at these visual retargeting ads examples that can provide brand awareness to your audience:

I saw this retargeting ad on Facebook after a week of visiting Udemy's site.


See how these brand owners use retargeting as an essential tool to reach visitors,

to make them return and buy?

Remember that the more tailored your ads are to your audience, the greater the impact.

You probably saw one of these ads. Annoying? Hmmm...maybe.

But oftentimes, it's effective.

What I am saying is...

You can create that chance to stay visible to your potential customers and re-engage them, so they return to your website.  

Such is a great way to show your customers what they're missing!

So you've got to do something to make the people who have visited your ecommerce site come back.

They are the ones you interacted with you at one point.

Perhaps they filled out an online contact form but didn't submit it.

Or they are the people who placed some items in the cart and didn’t complete the purchase.

You see, the ecommerce industry expands rapidly and so does the competition.

You just got to do something to re-engage customers and bring them back to your space.

Yes, you can get those customers, maybe not at the first sight.

But perhaps, the second time your product caught their eyes.

No, you can’t only rely on your so-called quality product to sell itself...

You just got to put in a little effort because everyday customers are bombarded with lots of different options right in front of them.

So you’ve got to have your retargeting strategy in place.

Make it easier for your audience to see your products so that they will want to buy from you instead of your competitors.

Is it really effective? Oh yes!

Do note, that the click-through rate for retargeting ads is 0.7%, making them 10x more effective than traditional advertising.  

Sounds good? If you're not convinced yet, let me show you...

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Retargeting

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Retargeting

It's important because this is your chance to stay visible to your potential customers and engage them so they return to your website.

But... I have more reasons!

  • To boost more sales on your top-selling products. Retargeting ads are an easy and effective way to show your bestsellers. Promoting your best-loved items can help turn visitors into customers. Thus, increase sales for your ads.
  • To introduce promising products. Your visitors are the great ones to target when you’re introducing new and promising items. You'll catch their attention everywhere they go online with your retargeting ads. They will be able to easily navigate back to your store to check out what's new. You can do it with display campaigns using Facebook campaigns or Google AdWords.
  • To use for the long term. And as a suggestion, If you already have a following of at least 100 monthly site visitors, you can try Google remarketing ads.
  • To display slow-moving products. Retargeting ads are the cheap and low-effort method to show your slow-moving stocked items to potential customers.
  • For brand awareness. Consumers need to be familiar with your brand before they decide to buy. Retargeting ads keep you on top of your potential customers' minds so they can re-visit you. This will allow them to get a second look at your product.

These are just a few good reasons to consider retargeting your customers.

That's because retargeting is surely a powerful online marketing strategy.

So you see, you're not blandly aiming your brand at the entire worldwide web. Because you are targeting a very specific demographic here.

We're talking about people who have visited your ecommerce site. The ones you interacted with at one point.

What a great way to show your customers what they're missing!

Surely, it's worth a shot, right?

Retargeting campaigns could be done with the help of effective ecommerce retargeting strategies.

And I will walk you through these.

Are you ready to get started?

Let's dive in!?

Here are 3 Ridiculously Important Retargeting Tips You Can't Ignore...

1. Segmentation

Segmentation is a term that is used to describe who is being targeted and served ads.

No, you couldn't be blandly aiming your brand at the entire worldwide web.

You are targeting a very specific audience here.

Using segmentation allows you to customize ad messages to users in different stages of the purchase funnel and target them effectively.

So, if you want to encourage potential customers to move forward in their buying process, segmentation is critical.

A potential customer who made it up to the checkout page but didn’t purchase,

is a loss.

Not forever, though.

You can still save it.

Because they already have that interest in your product.

Use segmentation to take action.

You can use this info to take action:

  • Most visited pages
  • Keywords they searched to find your ecommerce site
  • The device visitors use to navigate your website

You can use all this info for retargeting.

Also, retargeting is vital for tracking shoppers' behavior.

It allows you to target by relationship and find out why one page on your site receives more visits than the others, and understand what those visitors want.

Now, you can design an ad specifically for those visitors.

 Also, if it is your About Us page that's getting huge traffic, go, target those visitors!

Let me give you these...

Types of Segmentation

While these segments are a small portion of your overall traffic, they convert.

Make use of this information and begin to target a range of various segments of your audience.

1. Demographics

This segmentation looks at the WHO - the identifiable non-character traits such as:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Religion
  • Level of education
  • Profession
  • Ethnicity
  • Income

You need to know who your audience is and who has not converted.

New or old user? Are they regular buyers?

How much do you know about your potential customers?

Now let's go to...

2. Psychographic

This is focused on your potential customers’ personalities and interests. You may look at your potential customers by their:

The next type is about...

3. Geographic

It is easy to identify customers with regards to their physical location by:

  • Country
  • Region
  • City

Know where they come from going to your site and what brought them to the product page.

Is it coming from the recent campaign you ran?

Is Facebook or IG the place where they usually stand by?

And the last type...

4. Behavioral segmentation

This is very useful for e-commerce businesses.

It needs a little bit of data to be effective. This type of data can be gathered via your own website.

They are grouped according to:

  • Purchasing habits
  • Browsing habits
  • Interactions with the brand
  • Spending habits
  • Loyalty to brand

By using segmentation, you can categorize your customers into smaller groups of consumers that have something in common

That makes thinking of promos and offers, and CTAs easier.

Being relevant and responsive to their actions- this is your goal. And this is the basis of personalized marketing.

It starts with knowing your customers’ behavior and working on that segment.

Now, you know how segmenting your audience works, let's go to the next strategy.

2. Customize and set up rules and parameters

You can go to your product retargeting service and create specific ads for a different audience for a more personalized customer experience.

  • You can do this by customizing a variety of messaging and visuals based on what the potential buyer viewed on your site or where they are in the buying process.

Retargeting email is an example of this.

You can send personalized emails.

Or, you can show "add reviews" to your retargeted ads.

By this, you are being subtle in showing social proof for your ecommerce brand. You can also set up rules and parameters. Most retargeting solutions allow you to set limits and experiment.

For example, you can enable when to show your ads, how many times you want to show these ads and how long, or when to stop.

(This is one good retargeting email by Adidas)

Retargeting Email by Adidas

Now, final point…

3. Don’t rely on one channel

There are a lot of channels you can use. So, go multichannel!

You can use different Retargeting types like the ones here:

  • You can use Google Display Network which can help you reach people with targeted Display ads.

Additionally, you can add,

  • Social media retargeting campaign is also effective because your prospects can see that the ad is from a legit account. This compels them to share, reply and discuss your content on your different platforms.

Social media is very powerful.

I cannot stress that enough.

Nowadays, 72% of Americans use some type of social media. That's a huge percentage!

The best thing, social media platforms can offer a range of retargeting options.

Facebook Retargeting Strategy is among the most popular social media strategy.

I mean, who doesn't use Facebook?

So there, when you advertise on social media, it allows you to catch your prospects when they’re online, or when they're more likely to click.

So, make sure you create compelling retargeting ads.

Sounds good?

Last but certainly not least, is... Video remarketing!

You cannot underestimate the power of Youtube Marketing or TrueView ads. They can reach viewers based on their interactions with your videos. The goal is to collect subscribers.

So, when someone subscribes to your channel, YouTube promotes your content to them, and the good news, it's for FREE.

The more people interact with your channel, the more YouTube will recommend your content.

And the more they're going to trust you.

So that's it!

Implement these Retargeting Tips To Scale Your Business!

Prospective customers who visit your site then leave, are not lost forever.

They are promising the hottest leads you have yet to connect to.

You can never go wrong with a well-planned retargeting strategy.

And you can ensure your marketing efforts will not be wasted.

You can drive return traffic to your site, save and close the sale.

However, optimizing your retargeting campaign is not enough.

Because no matter how much traffic you pour into your store, if you did not seal its conversion leaks... you're just flushing it down the toilet.

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Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the CEO at Debutify. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

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