
6 min read

02 Feb 2025

How To Successfully Dropship: Building A Successful 7-Figure Dropshipping Store

How To Successfully Dropship: Building A Successful 7-Figure Dropshipping Store

This might be the most valuable article you’ve ever come across.

And it might change your life's course (starting tonight.)


Because what you’re about to read is a stupidly simple “copy-paste” guide to creating 5-, 6-, and even 7-figure Shopify stores.

The simple steps we’ve revealed on how to successfully dropship (which anyone can follow) have changed the lives of hundreds of aspiring dropshippers.

Here, we’ve outlined the exact steps recommended by Ricky Hayes, winner of the 2CC award…

8-figure dropshipper…

And the owner of multiple highly-successful dropshipping businesses, raking in well over $100k per month (each.)

dropshipping table

In fact, this formula will work perfectly for you if…

  1. You’re on the verge of launching your Shopify store but don’t know where to start
  2. Or - dropshipping has been rough on you, and you want to learn the true secrets of successful dropshipping.

We want to help you build a Shopify store that makes money on autopilot.

So you can enjoy true freedom; experience the pleasures of worldwide travel… spend more time with your family and loved ones…

…or just relax and enjoy the fruits of your money-making store.

We’ll teach you how to…

  1. Start a profitable dropshipping business, even if you've never sold a single item online in your entire life.
  2. Set up a high-converting Shopify store, from scratch.
  3. Build a marketing machine that sells your products like crazy.
  4. Grow to 7-figure revenue and beyond.

Ready to begin? Then follow along.

Revealing The Key To How to Successfully Dropship!

Revealing The Key To How to Successfully Dropship!

The first step doesn’t require any action on your end. You’ll complete it in your mind.

But it might be the hardest step of all on this list.

Listen closely, and soak in…

For step 1, you need to realize that true success in dropshipping takes time. There’s no silver bullet, no shortcut, no fast lane.

You need to learn. Try, test, fail. Failing is okay, and it’s part of the learning process.

But you must keep going.

If you want to succeed in dropshipping, devote yourself. Don’t give up because you didn’t become a millionaire in two weeks.

In our business, the winners aren’t the smartest entrepreneurs… they’re the most hard-working ones. The most passionate ones. The most devoted ones. The ones who focus on building their business long-term, with many years of hard work.

If you focus on succeeding tomorrow, chances are you’ll get disappointed. But if you stay consistent, devoted, and if you keep learning - then you’ll get the life you want to live - the freedom, the travel, the riches.

Nothing comes easy, so work hard and work consistently.
Now, let’s get into the business. I’m assuming you’ve already got your store set-up in Shopify store. Let’s see how to build a profitable Shopify store.


Set Up These Essential Pages

Set Up These Essential Pages

Set Up The “Contact Us” Page

Before we focus on the theme and marketing, we need to give customers some info about our dropshipping business.

So log in to your store.

On the menu to your left, under Sales Channels, hit Online Store, then Pages. Then, click Add Page.

We’re first going to create a Contact page. In the Title box, type “Contact Us”. Then, on the right panel (Template), under Template suffix, select page.contact. Finally, hit Save in the top-right corner.

Now you’ve got a fully-functioning contact form so customers can get in touch with you, should any troubles arise.

Tip: You can preview every page by hitting the View Page button in the top-left corner.

Set Up The “About Us” Page

Every store should have an about page. This tells your customers who you are.

It helps build trust. And trust sells.

Make a new page (Pages > Add Page) and give it the title About Us. (For the template, select page).

In Content, you’ll want to describe what you’re about. Try to answer the following questions:

  1. What is your mission?
  2. What do you believe in?
  3. What do your customers get by purchasing?

Here’s an example About Us content you can copy-paste (make sure to customize it to fit your Shopify store and niche):

Thank you for stopping by at STORE NAME - we are delighted to share our story. Here at STORE NAME our goal is to deliver the coolest and most unique products from all artists and designers from around the globe to you every day because we know how something special to brighten up your day!

STORE NAME believes that every family, every baby and everyone is born to stand out, born to be #amazing in their own unique way and outshine the crowd.

When you buy from us, you are not just our customers but you are now part of our family representing and carrying the #amazing message within, a message to stand out and daring to be different In each one’s own unique way.

It is our duty every day to continually search day and night, night and day, finding and sourcing these products that will represent this our message we believe in to you.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to shoot us an email at [email protected]

Your satisfaction and happiness are our priority. We look forward to serving you and giving you the best shopping experience :) Again, we thank you so much for your support!



[email protected]


Finally, we want to set up one extra page.

Set Up The “FAQ” Page

Want to have your email flooded with inquiries? Yeah, that doesn’t sound like an autopilot business.

An FAQ page helps you avoid that.

With your FAQ page, you’re going to give customers answers to common inquiries. Info about shipping time, shipping costs, tracking, chargebacks, etc.

Make sure the info you write is honest and transparent.

Go ahead and make a new page and give it the title Frequently Asked Questions. For the template, choose page.

Here’s an example of how you want to structure your FAQ page:

Our unique business model and established relationships have given us access to products all over the world at phenomenally low prices, and we pass these steep discounts along to you - our valued customer. These countries include China, India and Europe.

Our partners provide tracking numbers but rest assured you’re in good hands and all of your purchases with us are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

How much is shipping? 

Shipping is free on all orders, forever.

How long does it take for an order to arrive? 

This depends on the product ordered. When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email containing the shipping timeframes to your property based on your country of origin. Please use this table as a reference for shipping to your country. Please keep in mind that processing can take 1-5 business days. In most instances, we ship the next business day.

CountryShipping Timeframes
United States7-15 business days
United Kingdom12-20 business days
Australia & New Zealand12-20 business days
Canada12-20 business days
Western Europe10-30 business days
Rest of the World10-30 business days

Can I have a tracking number? 

This depends on the product ordered. When you complete your purchase, you will receive an email containing the shipping timeframes to your property based on your country of origin. Please use this table as a reference for shipping to your country. Please keep in mind that processing can take 1-5 business days. In most instances, we ship the next business day.

Where are your warehouses located? 

We currently have warehouses in Australia, China and Singapore.

Can I pay in my local currency? 

The currency will be set to USD by default, this is converted to your currency once you reach checkout.

I ordered 2+ items, but only received one… where’s my order? 

We have a large assortment of products stocked with various partners internationally. When you order multiple items at a time, they may be shipped separately so that they get to you faster. You may receive one item before the next, so please remain patient if you do not receive all of your items at once. They are on their way. If you have any questions about your order, do not hesitate to contact us.

Why have I not received any order confirmation details? 

Most of the time this is because our customers have accidentally entered their email information incorrectly. Throughout the process, we send 2-3 emails, including an order confirmation, a fulfillment notice, and a shipping notice. If you believe you may have entered your email incorrectly, please contact us and we will fix it for you.

What is your refund policy? 

Making you happy is our number one priority. If you do not receive your order within the estimated timeframe, if your order is defective (dead-on-arrival) or materially different from what was presented on the product page, we will refund your money. We want to provide a risk-free shopping experience and trust our customers not to take advantage of us on this offer. This is how important having a refund policy is.

How do I contact you? 

If you have any questions that are not on this FAQ page, please contact us on our Facebook page or send us an email, and we will reply to your inquiry.

Your FAQ, About and Contact pages are now ready to go. Let’s see how to set them up in your navigation.

Setting the Pages Up in Your Navigation Menu

Now we’ll add these 3 pages to our navigation menu. We want our customers to know who we are and what to expect when shopping on our store.

But if customers can’t actually access them they’re worth nothing.

To add them to your navigation menu, under Sales Channels > Online Store, click Navigation. Click on Main menu.

Then click Add menu item. Once the pop-up box window opens, click the Link field, then hit Pages and select Contact Us.

Repeat this for the About Us and FAQ pages. Don’t forget to save!

You’ll want to repeat this process for your footer as well. Go to Navigation, click Footer, then for each of your new pages click Add menu item and add them in.

Make Your Dropshipping Store More Search Engine Friendly

Think quick - where can you buy the best portable blender bottle?

No idea, right? So you ask Google.

“best portable blender bottle”...
“best portable blender for sale”...
“best portable blender in UK”...

Turns out, hundreds of thousands of people think like you. Google is where buyers go to find what they’re looking for.

If your website has the right offer, they’ll buy from you.

But you first have to pop up in their search results.

And to do that, we’re going to optimize your dropshipping store for Google.

You probably won’t rank among the first results when you start out - you probably won’t even be on the first page.

However, as your marketing grows and you add more content, your search results will go up.

To make your store search engine friendly, under Sales Channels > Online Store, go to Preferences.

Fill in the Homepage title and Homepage meta description boxes.

Your title should attract potential customers to click on and see your products, so it acts as a mini-advertisement. Use simple language and let the customer know what to expect.

Tip: include the keyword you want to rank for in the title. Also, experiment by using the words like "50% Off" and "Limited Discount" to attract shoppers. And never, ever use ALL CAPS!

Your meta description should give more context to what you have to offer.

Keep your meta description between 110 and 150 characters long for the best results. This doesn’t affect your Google ranking, but it helps persuade potential buyers to come to your dropshipping store.

Let me show you how you can write these

Your dropshipping store is now more search-friendly.

Remember, Google search is like an ocean, and every drop of water is a hungry buyer looking for your products.

Cast a good bait, and they’ll click. They’ll buy.

But you probably won’t rank on the first page of search results when you start out - you’ll be lucky to reach the first 5 pages.

So, how do you capitalize on this market? The answer is Google Ads.

They can shoot you to the top of the first page, and with a little keyword research, you’ll flood your store with a never-ending stream of buyers.

And not just any kind of buyers - but the hungriest shoppers, searching for your product with their phone in one hand and their wallet in the other.

Google Ads can even help you increase your conversion rate and get huge sales volumes.

To learn about them, watch your Beginner Google Ads course. It has everything you need to master all kinds of Google Ads.

Configure Shopify Store Settings

Configure Shopify Store Settings

Now we’ll be drilling into your Shopify store settings. These are extremely important. If you mess up they can lead to some nasty problems.

(For example, not being able to make a single sale. Yikes.)

Make sure to set them up correctly from the very beginning.

First, go ahead and watch an overview of the settings in your Beginner Shopify Course - Optimized Store Settings (or click here to jump there directly).

General Settings

In the bottom-left corner, click on the Settings button, then on the Settings screen choose General. Make sure you fill in the correct business details. For your Customer email, enter a professional email address that’s associated with your store, such as “[email protected]”.

For your time zone, choose the time zone where you are situated. And when configuring the store’s currency, choose USD as this is the standard.

Payment providers

Click on Settings, then click Payment providers. I recommend setting up your Paypal account on this screen.

If you’ve already got a Paypal account, then you can connect it straight away. However, if you don’t have one, I recommend that you open up a Business Paypal account. That’ll save you from the headache of converting your personal into a Paypal Business account.

This is a bit out of the scope of this tutorial - you can check out how to set up your Paypal Business account.

You’ll also want to make sure your payment processor is set up before you proceed. Without this, you won’t be able to accept any payments from your customers.


Just a couple of things to change here. Go to Settings > Checkout. Under Form options find Shipping address phone number and set it to Required.

Then, scroll to Email marketing and check Preselect the sign-up option. These two settings will help you retarget users through SMS and email. More on that later.


Next, let’s configure the shipping settings. Go to Settings > Shipping > Manage rates. We’ll create two shipping rates

Your first shipping rate will be a standard rate, and the second one will be the free shipping. We want to encourage shoppers to go buy items above a certain price point, so that they get our free shipping.

Click Add rate. In the pop-up window check Set up your own rates. Type Standard Shipping in your Rate name, and set your Price to be the price of your product. I’ve entered CA$3.99 as my shipping rate. Then, click Add conditions, check Based on order price and for the minimum price enter 0, and into the maximum price enter the price of your main product.

Then, repeat this step for your Free Shipping, except that the Price will now be 0, and the Minimum price (condition) will be equal to the maximum price of your Standard Shipping, and the Maximum price should remain blank (“No limit”). When you’re done, make sure to click Save.

Legal, Taxes, Store Languages & Other Settings

Regarding the legal section, I usually use Shopify’s generated policies. You can create them in Settings > Legal, then by hitting Create from template for Refund policy, Privacy policy and Terms of service.

Once you’ve set up your policies, go to Navigation > Footer menu and add your policy pages to your footer menu.

If you’re shipping to e-packet countries, I recommend that you also set up your store’s languages to accommodate shoppers from abroad.

Finally, do ensure that your Legal and Taxes sections are properly set up. If needed, consult your lawyer or tax advisor to ensure everything is properly set.

Find Your Winning Products In Seconds, And Set It Up On Your Store

Find Your Winning Products In Seconds, And Set It Up On Your Store

There’re a few key ingredients to running a 7-figure store.

Your product is one of them.

To put it plain and simple - if you sell a bad product, don’t expect to succeed in dropshipping business.

Find a Winning Dropshipping Product

How would a bad product ruin your success? If you sell a low-quality item, buyers will not be satisfied. Your Facebook Ads will get bad comments, which will skyrocket your advertising costs. Fast-forward and your marketing budget is totally burned.

You’ll also get a bunch of complaints from angry customers, and you’ll have to issue refunds.

That’s how a Shopify store goes downhill (and into debt).

On the other hand, an amazing product will get you happy customers, plenty of long-term buyers, and more referrals.

If you’ve already picked a winning product, you can skip this step. But if you haven’t, stop whatever you’re doing and go watch my Free Top 10 Product Research Methods For Dropshipping.

P.S. I teach you more secret methods to find $1M products in upcoming tutorials too, all delivered to your inbox.

Watched the video? Go do it.

Picked your dropshipping product? Okay. Now, we’ll install an app to help us import it from Aliexpress.

Install Oberlo

It’ll help us automate the entire process of setting up our product and buying from the supplier. It does everything, so all we need to do is customize our product page.

You’ve probably heard of this app - it’s quick, easy, and completely free - it’s called Oberlo.

So, head to Oberlo - Dropshipping App and hit Add app.

Once it takes you to your Shopify app install page just click Install appOnce it’s finished, Oberlo will take you straight into the interface. Just ignore their steps.

We can start adding products to our store now.

In Oberlo, on the left menu, under Manage Products > click Search Products.

Here you can search for Aliexpress products to import directly into your store.

If you’ve already got a product in your selling crosshair, just type it into the top search bar (“Search for products to sell”).

If you don’t, go back and watch that winning product research tutorial.

So, find your product, then click Add to Import List, and Edit on Import List.

This is where we can edit our product title, description, info, back-end settings, and so on.

Set Up Your Product

Start by changing your product’s title in the Change title box. I’ll remove the overly-descriptive Aliexpress title and make it nice and simple.

I’ll name my product “Home Workout Resistance Bands”.

You don’t need to worry about Collections if you’re building a one-product store, or importing your first product.

For Type and Tags I’ll give it the same value to keep my settings clean. If you’re selling socks, you can put Socks. If you’re selling pencils, put Pencils. Not much to worry about there.

Then, click on the Description tab. Just delete the entire description for now, and we’ll fill that in later.

Now go to Variants. Here’s an overview of what you’ll see there.

  • SKU (stock keeping unit) is a unique number that identifies the product on your back end.
  • Cost is the price you’ll pay to the supplier when purchasing a single product unit.
  • Shipping can be configured, and you can see the cost in the Shipping column. I will leave it as-is for now. Make sure that Automatically update price when cost changes is off. This can mess up our prices as we want to set them manually.
  • You may see some additional options depending on your item, but these aren’t so important.

Your customer won’t be able to see the SKU, cost, or shipping price. However, the last two columns do affect your customer very much!

  • Price is what you’ll be selling the item for. This is what the customer pays. Before you name a price, do your homework. Research. To beat your dropshipping competitors, know how much they are charging. Don’t undercharge, but don’t overcharge either, or you risk getting very little sales. Also, ensure that you have a substantial profit margin - I usually aim for around $15, but I’ve gone for around $24 for this one.
  • Compared At Price is a display price that gives a sense of discount - a bargain. Here’s a pro tip: always make your compared-at price double the cost of your actual price. That gives a sense of a huge sale, -50% off! That’ll help you get more sales.

Finally, when you’ve done this, click the green Import to Store button. Once importing is done, click Edit product on Shopify. Now your product is fully set-up, and we can write up the description!

Supercharge Your Product Page

Supercharge Your Product Page

Write Your Product Description Copy

What the hell is “copy”? Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t.

But it’s a game changer for selling e-com products.

Copy is any piece of text which makes the reader do something (buy, sign up, etc.). Copywriting is (yes, you guessed it) - the skill of writing sales copy.

The more persuasive your copy, the more sales you’ll make.

So how do you write a description that gets purchases? Simple. Follow these 4 simple guidelines.

1. Research your competitors.

The best way to know what “sells” is by learning from successful stores. Period.

Any other method will have you waste money until you found out what “clicks” with your customers.

So go out there. Research. Research. Research. Find Shopify stores that are making sales - and study their product descriptions.

Look out for Shopify stores running tons of ads on Facebook. That tells you they’ve got the money, meaning they’re making sales.

Tip: if you’re looking at a truly large store, you’ll be able to see their traffic, sources, ranking and more with the SimilarWeb free Chrome plugin.


Break down every word on their page. What are they saying? What benefits are they talking about? What kind of images are they using? 

What guarantees do they give?

When you’re ready to start writing, follow the next steps.

2. Use the “AIDA” framework.

Attention-interest-desire-action. This means you should start your copy by grabbing the prospect’s attention. Write something about their problem; about what they need or want. For example, if you wrote copy for gym equipment:

Do you hit the gym 6 out of 7 days a week? Want to pump up those guns to bench 100lbs like it’s a feather? You’ll love what we’re about to show you!

Then, continue by getting their interest. For example, you can describe your customer’s problem or use facts from case studies to really get their interest.

Did you know that 19 out of 20 gym go-ers never reach their desired goal? And the reason isn’t lack of motivation. Or a bad nutrition plan. It’s inefficient equipment!

Those old, clunky gym devices used for ages are holding you back. If you’re still exercising the way your grandpa did, you’re missing out on huge benefits of modern gym equipment!

Now you have their attention. So go to the next step and make them desire your product! This is where you want to talk about the benefits.

PRODUCT is a revolutionary device for weight loss and rapid muscle gains. It packs a bunch of high-tech features that’ll help you get ripped in no time:

  • Fully customizable weight size. Adjust your difficulty according to your body for gains like you’ve never seen before.
  • Mobile companion app. Track your progress and know exactly which exercises to do, and when. Work smart, not hard!
  • (Other benefits)

Finally, tell your customer what action they need to take: purchase

Get your PRODUCT now for only PRICE. Available at -50% OFF only until DEADLINE, with FREE shipping!

3. Give a strong guarantee

Make sure your potential buyer feels at ease with purchasing. They’ve never bought from you. They don’t know who you are, or if your product is truly worth it. Get those fears out of the way with a rock-solid guarantee.

The best guarantee is money-back. With no questions asked. If you remember correctly, we already set up our guarantee in Debutify’s guarantees section - but we can also repeat it in the copy for added strength.

If, within NUMBER OF DAYS days you decide PRODUCT isn’t for you, we’ll be happy to refund every cent of your purchase. And you get to keep your PRODUCT. No questions asked.

Tip: the longer your guarantee lasts, the more conversions you’ll get. The best guarantees are lifetime ones!

4. Break your copy with images and GIFs.

A picture is worth a thousand words. The same is true in copywriting.

The best way to paint a picture in your customer’s mind is with actual pictures.

So, break up your copy by adding images every one or two paragraphs. You can find great photos of your product on Aliexpress. (Make sure you have the usage rights before you upload them.)

Tip: find images that show your product in use. For example - a man working out in the gym with our gym device. And make sure your customer can associate with the image. Are they ripped out? Since they want to buy our device, they’re not. So don’t show people who are muscular! Show beginners who are starting out and using our product.

Improve Your Product Page Experience

Good copy sells. Good copy and good user experience sell even more.

Why is it so? The easier you make it for customers to visualize your product, find the info they’re looking for, and the smoother the browsing experience - the more conversions you’ll get.

There are a few tiny tweaks we can make to improve the experience on our product page. And they literally take a minute.

Go to Sales Channels > Online Store and hit Themes. Then click Customize.

In the top-left corner where it says Home page, click and select Product pages.

Once you’re there, in the left menu click Theme settings > Advanced settings. Scroll down until you find Show breadcrumbs and make sure it’s unticked.

Why? Breadcrumbs are good for large, general stores. If your store is like that - you can keep it. However, for small or one-product stores, they can sometimes hinder conversions. We want to avoid that.

Next, hit the back button (arrow pointing left) and click Sections > Product pages (the one with the price tag icon). Make the following changes:

  • Make sure Image display is set to Thumbnail.
  • Tick the Enable image zoom checkbox.
  • Untick the Big product title checkbox.

Now that’s a much better user experience already.

Explode Your Sales With Conversion-Boosting Add-Ons (Coming To Your Inbox)

If you’re new to writing copy that converts… it’ll be really hard. Even for me, it’s a big struggle.

However, that doesn’t mean your conversion rate should suck. In fact, psychology tells us how we can persuade people to take action without using words, but by different means.

Those “different means” are methods of persuasion that we’ve built into Debutify - in the form of conversion-boosting add-ons.

Debutify comes with 28 conversion add-ons (and counting), including sales pop (for social proof), countdown timer (to increase urgency), sticky add to cart and direct checkout (for easier purchase), discount codes (sense of good bargain), and much more.

Tomorrow I’ll show you how to use all these conversion add-ons to make a sales machine out of your product page. Stay tuned for that email.

Add Customer Testimonials

Trust sells. One of the most powerful ways to build it is with customer testimonials.

I often source them from Aliexpress. Just make sure that your customer testimonials are real.

It’s even better if you have testimonials with images - this gives you even more credibility. And more credibility (trust) = more buyers.

Gather as many testimonials as possible and add them to your product page. Just go to Sections > Testimonials, then scroll down to Content. There you can edit and add as many as you like.

Here are some testimonials that I’ve gathered for the resistance bands:

  1. “Works extremely well, very easy to use” - Marc T.
  2. “Product arrived in perfect condition. Bands are high quality. They stretch the core muscles and activate muscle groups on your back. I highly recommend it.” - Joanne R.
  3. “As good as I expected. It's got very strong resistance, doesn’t break easily. Will be buying another pair” - Tyrone E.

It would’ve been even better if I had more. But, you can always add new testimonials once you get them from your customers.

Now our store is ready to make some serious cash. Let’s flood it with hungry buyers.

Follow along as I teach you the tested marketing methods of 7-figure drop shippers…

Flood Your Shopify Store With Hungry Buyers

Flood Your Shopify Store With Hungry Buyers

What’s the smartest, easiest, most effortless way to get hundreds of shoppers to your store? And not just any shoppers, but…

Shoppers who want to buy today…
Shoppers who are looking exactly for your product…
And who is browsing with a credit card in their hand…
…without needing to grow social media accounts, or wait months for search engines to start ranking you?

It’s internet marketing.

Internet marketing is the quickest, easiest way to get hot traffic onto your Shopify store. It can grow your store from $0 a day to $100,000 a day. No joke.

But, it takes time to master. Here’s just a quick overview of all the marketing channels we can use:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads (CPC/Cost Per Click ads)
  • Bing Ads
  • YouTube Ads (CPV/Cost Per View ads)
  • Snapchat Ads
  • Pinterest Ads
  • TikTok Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Influencer Marketing

Of course, there are many other channels, too. But for now, I’ll get you started with influencer marketing. (Watch out, ‘cause I’ll also reveal the secrets of high-converting Facebook and Instagram ads in a couple of days.)

Drive Traffic With Influencers

What would you do if you had an army of followers who carefully listened to your every word?

Sell them your products!

Up until recently, if you wanted such an army, you’d need to grow a social media page… start a Youtube channel… or become a public speaker.

That means investing thousands of hours (and dollars!) before even making the first sale.

But, nowadays we can get access to such audiences in just a few clicks. And with a small investment, you can drive scores of highly-targeted shoppers to your store.

How? With influencers.

With influencers, all you need is a good deal… sometimes you can even strike one for free.

And in return, you get hundreds (or thousands) of shoppers who are already “pre-sold” onto your product! That means more sales, and higher conversion rates.

So how does influencer marketing work?

1. Identify the network you want to target.

First, find a network your audience members regularly visit. For example, if you wanna sell to stay-at-home moms, Facebook groups are your best bet. Pet lovers? Try using Instagram. In general, you can find most niches on any social media network.

2. Create a list of potential partners.

You can go out and search for influencers on your own, or you can use a database. I recommend using Phlanx for Instagram influencers. Aim to find influencers with an engagement rate of 2% or better.

For other social networks, you can check out Upfluence - which has millions of influencers on all kinds of platforms, from Twitch to TikTok.

Bare in mind though - the more followers an influencer has - the more costly they’ll be! Look out for smaller influencers who are more likely to work with new stores, like yours.

Don’t stop on 2 or 3 - find as many as you can, and add them to your list. The more influencers you have, the more deals you’ll strike. That brings us to step 3.

3. Reach out and strike a deal.

Depending on which app you’re using, some (like Upfluence) will have an in-built feature to contact your influencers of choice.

If you’re manually finding influencers, use a tool to like Hunter to find their email address.

Simply reach out, explain what you do and ask them if they’d like to work with you. No need to write poems or twenty-page letters - keep it short, and get to the point.

Here’s a template that I use.


I found you via Phlanx and I see your account ACCOUNT HANDLE has a great following.
My store STORE NAME sells PRODUCT. I think your audience would really dig it.

I’d love to know if you’re open to collaboration.


You can just repeat this message to every influencer - just customize the details like their name and account handle.

When it comes to making a deal, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Talk to your influencer and get yourself the best deal you can.

Some will promote your product for a percentage of the sale, but you won’t need to pay for the posts. Others won’t work with you if there’s no money on the table.

Your safest bet with a new influencer is % of sale. Why? If their audience isn’t interested in your product after all, you won’t waste money on their posts.

And when it comes to prices, there’s all kinds of rates. As a rule of thumb - don’t accept the first offer you get.

Strike a deal that makes sense.

You won’t get the numbers right the first time round - but try to guess the math. For example:

  • An influencer gets 5k engagements per post, on average.
  • Out of those 5k, let’s assume 3% will click to your website.
  • Let’s assume your store’s conversion rate is 5%.
  • That’s 5,000 x 3% x 5% = 7 purchases!

So how much would you pay for the post? If you make $20 off every sale, $5-$12 (per sale) is a reasonable budget. So you may want to offer $80 for this post (which would leave you with $60 profit.)

4. Create a coupon to measure results.

To track which sales come from your influencer, make sure to give them a unique discount code for their audience to use when buying.

That’ll let you know exactly how many sales your influencer brought in, and if your deal was profitable and how much.

Once you strike your first influencer deal, track the sales. Learn from your experience. You may decide to work with that influencer again - or you may not.

But don’t stop at one influencer!

Reach out to multiple influencers for the best results. Strike a few deals with the people from your influencer list.

Keep working on it as you scale up your dropshipping store, to get more sales and grow your brand name!

Stay Motivated, Keep Learning And Expand Your Network!

When you start off, there will be challenges…

There will be obstacles…

And you may want to quit less than a week into your journey.


If you really want to know how to successfully dropship, succeed, really want to live your dream life, and want all the freedom that a profitable Shopify store gives you - you’ll have to work hard.

And more importantly - you’ll have to learn. Learn from your experience. Learn from the experience of other fellow dropshippers.

So, reach out to others and talk. Ask questions, and be hungry for advice. Soak in any useful bit of info you can find. The more you know, the more you’ll sell.

Once you’ve completed all the steps in this tutorial, connect with the community. And learn.

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Ricky Hayes

Ricky Hayes is the CEO at Debutify. He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.

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